Caleb is very hungry at the moment it seems... however not hungry enough to eat the decent food I offer him, instead he just wants biscuits or lollies or muesli bars! its driving me insane because all I hear all day is "want bikkie Mamma" or "muesli bar??"
I offer him banana or apple instead or sandwhich with somethng decent inside it and no he wont eat it. I will even make it up and say thats all there is because he cant have a biscuit or whatever else he wants that isnt healthy. the food will just sit there on his plate all day. I redirect him back to it if he says hes hungry because hes been so sick i dont want him stocking up on junk food.
He doesnt eat alot of junk food so I dont get why he demands it so much. Ive had to put a lock on the pantry door because I find him at the pantry just staring at the food. I ask what hes doing and he says "im looking Mummy" then he will point to something (muesli bar etc) and say "i want it, want muesli bar" and I say "you can have an apple instead" or whatever else it is I am offering and he says "no, want muesli bar, want cracker" and i say "you cannot have Xyz right now, you can have one after your nap if you like but right now you can have Zyx"
I will find him in the pantry with his stool and hes reached the biscuits (and Ithought I had put them up really high) and started eating them. well if i take them off him (or the unopened bag of whatever) a massive fight and tantrum ensues. I redirect him back to the other food I have for him.
he will throw a massive tantrum, cry and beg for whatever it is he wants. I dont give in, I never do so I dont know why he thinks I will. I walk out of the room, come back in and he says "lunch mummy?" (lunch is his word for any food meal) I give him a big breakfast of oats and toast, he eats till theres about one or two peices of toast left so I know hes full and about 30mins later he asks for "lunch"
I get he is hungry and im happy to feed him but hes not happy to eat what I offer, so surely hes not really THAT hungry right?
I have given him biscuits or crackers and muesli bars etc for afternoon tea, not when hes asked for it but just randomly along with other foods (cheese, yoghurt etc)
Im really sick of him just demanding food constantly, its exhausting and its draining me. I even made a roast meal for sunday lunch yesterday thinking that would work because maybe hes so hungry in teh middle of the day and thats why hes so demanding. it was roast chicken, roast vegetables with herbs and corn on the cob, all his fave things usually. did he eat it? nope....
he still asked for biscuits about 20mins later. I usually save his meals in case he just wastn hungry at the time I offered it to him but I was so tired yesterday and I wasnt thinking so I had thrown it out, when he asked for biscuits and I said no he started crying and asking for his lunch. I couldve slapped myself for throwing it out.
what is it with this? its driving me mad, i cant get any other food into him and Im not made of money, i cant simply cook up a whole meal to be thrown out, i cant keep buying all these foods he just doesnt eat. Ive tried being creative, tried getting him to help me make the food or prepare it or whatever but he just wants cr@p food all the time!