Hi Moms,
I just wanted to double check something with all you moms out there. My daughter is 28 months and I cut her nap from 2hr to 1:30hr and it helped for a couple of months...we're back to some UT NWs/EWs so I feel that I need to cut that nap to 1hr.
Her A time after her 2hr nap got to 7 hrs, thats when I cut her nap to 1:30hr, With 1:30hr nap, she used to go down at 6hr20mins. Now that I'm going to cut it to 1hr, how much A time do I need to give her ? 6hr or lesser ?
Her schedule these days is :
7am Wake up
1:30 Nap
3:00 Wake her up
9:20-9:30pm BT
These EWs are recent but I feel that if I cut her nap, I should get longer night sleep. Just need to figure out ideal A time after the nap.
Thoughts ?