Today he woke at 6.50 am and I put him in bed next to me and we had a little cuddle and a whispered chat. We then got up and I did a nappy change then he sat in his chair while I washed bottles and set steraliser. We then got DS1 up as he was over sleeping for school. DS1 said hello to him etc and is a bit full on but loves him very much. We then has milk as he won't drink it when he first gets up. We went upstairs at 8.15 am and did some gentle walking and then sat in chair and had a whispered story. He was in the cot and asleep at 8.50 am but still woke after 30 mins and couldn't get back off to sleep but when I picked him up he then went back to sleep and slept until 11.10 am. He is now asleep again, upstairs at 12.30 and asleep at 12.50 pm. I am betting on 30 mins again. What am I doing wrong? He is 19 weeks and 15 weeks ajusted.