DD2 is an amazing sleeper but has been having trouble the last few weeks. Our schedule for the last few mths had been"
wake 7:30/8 (we wake her)
Nap 1-4 (sometimes she wakes at 3:30, usually at 4)
Asleep 8
Obviously, we all loved this schedule, now for the last 2 weeks it has been:
Wake 7:30/8 ( we wake her, but now sometimes she is already up, maybe OT)
Nap 1-2
Asleep 7:30
Dad was away a few nights so I guess that is what started it, not sure how to fix it. She is a grumpy nightmare in the evening and its hard to get her to bed earlier with DD1's activities. Tried pain meds with no improvement. She had one long nap a few days ago but it was just that one day. She wakes screaming and crying but then stops and will stay in her crib for another hour. I figure at least we both are getting some rest then even if its not sleep. Any ideas?