My little one is 3 weeks tomorrow. I started BF in the hospital after an emergency c-section but also supplementing with formula (by choice, so please no critiques against that) so she was getting about half and half. I was diagnosed with severe PPD/PTSD and have been put on Zoloft (long term) and then Xanax (until the Zoloft kicks in so about 2-4 weeks) but cant BF on the Xanax and have to pump and then dump whatever I do pump. Ive decided I want to still bottlefeed once I am allowed to BF again and want to just pump and still give her about half and half, usually breastmilk during the day and then formula at night so she sleeps a longer stretch (it worked before so I want to do that again). When she was on the boob for BF-ing she slept very fitfully and wanted constant boob contact of course which gave me no sleep at all, on the boob she would want to be held and suck, would fall asleep but me putting her in her bassinet would wake her up and we would have to start all over again, but on the bottle she eats and then goes in her bassinet right before shes completely out of it, takes a Soothie just until she falls asleep, then it usually drops out and then she stays asleep since there is no moving her.
My supply was already low and now its even worse, I cant seem to keep up with pumping enough so that it will keep my supply high and am trying now to just pump enough to keep my supply going. If I can keep doing that, what are the chances that starting to BF again in a few weeks will kick my supply back up, or how many times a day do I need to pump to keep my supply atleast going until then. I hate to kick it into overdrive now because it seems like such a waste to spend all that time and effort pumping and dumping and being engorged for no reason. I have fenugreek to take so how many pills a day and when is the best time to take it?