Author Topic: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low  (Read 1429 times)

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PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« on: November 19, 2011, 03:46:54 am »
My little one is 3 weeks tomorrow.  I started BF in the hospital after an emergency c-section but also supplementing with formula (by choice, so please no critiques against that) so she was getting about half and half.  I was diagnosed with severe PPD/PTSD and have been put on Zoloft (long term) and then Xanax (until the Zoloft kicks in so about 2-4 weeks) but cant BF on the Xanax and have to pump and then dump whatever I do pump.  Ive decided I want to still bottlefeed once I am allowed to BF again and want to just pump and still give her about half and half, usually breastmilk during the day and then formula at night so she sleeps a longer stretch (it worked before so I want to do that again). When she was on the boob for BF-ing she slept very fitfully and wanted constant boob contact of course which gave me no sleep at all, on the boob she would want to be held and suck, would fall asleep but me putting her in her bassinet would wake her up and we would have to start all over again, but on the bottle she eats and then goes in her bassinet right before shes completely out of it, takes a Soothie just until she falls asleep, then it usually drops out and then she stays asleep since there is no moving her.

My supply was already low and now its even worse, I cant seem to keep up with pumping enough so that it will keep my supply high and am trying now to just pump enough to keep my supply going.  If I can keep doing that, what are the chances that starting to BF again in a few weeks will kick my supply back up, or how many times a day do I need to pump to keep my supply atleast going until then.  I hate to kick it into overdrive now because it seems like such a waste to spend all that time and effort pumping and dumping and being engorged for no reason.  I have fenugreek to take so how many pills a day and when is the best time to take it?

Offline becj86

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 04:37:11 am »
As someone who had an emergency c-section and a rough start to BFing, I wanted to say congratulations on your LO! Things may seem bleak at the moment, but you're not the only one out there - there are people to support however you need. I'm sorry about the PPD/PTSD, but so glad you're getting treatment.

I went to and fro between pumping all the time, pumping sometimes and feeding from the breast sometimes and feeding from the breast all the time for the first 12 weeks or so of DS' life while we sorted out latch, supply, etc. At this early stage of your supply getting started, I'd be pumping no less frequently than every 3-4hrs (and maybe once overnight). Some would probably say it should be done more frequently but I found I would get 40mL if I pumped every 2hr or 80mL if I pumped every 4hr...

BF in a few weeks is more likely to kick the supply back up if you're feeding straight from the breast than if you're pumping, but pumping til you're not getting anything, then for another 5 mins is apparently the best way to increase your supply with a pump.

I have no idea about fenugreek.


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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 04:56:08 am »
Hi sweetie, welcome to BW!
Congrats on your gorgeous little girl!

Re: fenugreek - here is a link to the Kellymom (fabulous breastfeeding website) page about it -
It also links to pages about increasing supply, other herbs, etc.

I agree with PP on the pumping, I know my cousin bad preemies and thhey told her to pump about as often as the baby would be feeding.  Do you have a good pump?  That would also be very important in maintaining supply.

If you are able to maintain some sortof supply, putting her back on the boob when you are able will definitely help increase it - you may need to have her nurse very frequently for a few days (when you're able) in order to increase it to where you need it.

Finally, if you need any support, we've got a fab PPD forum, the ladies there are so wise and supportive of you need an ear - you can find it here:

Offline mrsjerome

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 05:00:07 am »
thanks ladies I'll def check out the kellymom and the PPD section...the meds have definitely helped and I feel much like my old self...i really hope she will still BF enough to get my supply back after being on the bottle for so long...hubby bought me a new avent double electric pump...a really nice one..going to try to pump as often as I get a chance..prolly when LO takes her naps even if I dont get anything took me all day today ( we were out and about with the inlaws that are visiting) before I even felt full/sore and even then I only got 1oz from each size...this whole c-section and then PPD (partially brought on by the C-section and my hospital experience) totally screwed me up and have made these last 3 weeks totally not what I expected...but I guess its too late to go back now and I just have to work with that Ive got...
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 05:03:18 am by mrsjerome »

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2011, 05:11:01 am »
Hey there! Just a quick one to say congrats, and your situation sounds very much like my birth with DS1. (very) emergency c-sec then he was too weak to BF - was tube fed then bottle (formula) then weaned back onto BF.

 No PPD meds at that point, but just wanted to say well done to you and your carers for spotting the PPd and PTSD - mine came crashing to a head a year later as went undiagnosed initially.

I can't offer too much advice on the BF and pumping etc, except to say stick with it. Weaning back onto BF was a challenge for us, but worth it, and the upside was we ended up with an LO who we could switch feed between bottles/BF and formula/EBM whichever way we liked - perfect!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 06:31:29 am by babymunkey »

Offline becj86

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2011, 05:13:55 am »
I just found the PPD page and was popping back to send you the link :P

You may find hand expressing will drain the breast better than the pump. Its worth giving it a go - start off into a towel since it can be messy but since you have to dump while you're on the Xanax, why not chuck it in with the washing you're doing anyway - at least that way you don't have to face tipping it down the sink (that was always the worst part for me).

I hear you on the traumatic emergency c-section and things not being the happy baby-haze one imagines. PM me if you need to talk any time.

We are here if you need help with latching on later - I did baby-led attachment with DS at 6 weeks and he still had those rooting instincts, so its possible you'll be able to get back there if that's what you want to do.

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2011, 05:26:00 am »
Our section was due to a decrease in her HB and her being very distressed when contractions hit...I had planned a natural water birth and ended up with the Dr. on call saying he wasnt comfortable with a waterbirth....I didnt dilate at all within 2 hours on my hard he started pitocin...waters being broken at 4cm...contractions going to about 1-2 mins apart and lasting about 90 seconds in like 5 mins of all that..way worse than my natural I said screw it and got an epi since clearly the natural thing was already way gone... then she went crazy heart rate wise and my BP they stopped it..put me on oxygen...gave me an ephedrine shot..and let us rest..then started it again to see if it was just a one time thing but it happened again so he said no way we were having a natural birth and went for  C-section...glad we did coz her cord was in a tight knot and that was causing all the trouble..but still its not at all how I planned..and then hubby had to leave me in the hospital alone the 2nd and 3rd night as he was I was all alone ( no family in state) with LO in the hospital just 1 day after a section..barely able to I have this huge huge abandonment resentment towards him that he just doesnt understand because he says I had nurses there..but he just doesnt get that it didnt matter..I wanted HIM there...and I had this whole idea of this happy family time and it was just a miserable time with him being sick and grumpy and no one else there for me and me all alone and the section to top it all off... so yeah...I feel like the PPD/PTSD was pretty unavoidable and after a few days of it I realized what was wrong and called the Dr and they got me in immediately..and then it got even worse (complete anxiety attack/breakdown this past Tuesday morning) and they got me in again immediately that day and put me on Xanax and I am sooo glad they did because there is no way in hell I could have lasted until the Zoloft is supposed to kick in for good in a few weeks...

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2011, 05:46:35 am »
Sweetheart that sounds rough, well I know it must have been rough cos BTDT - went from planned home and water birth to a month in hospital, induced at 37 weeks and trolley dash c-sec due to fetal heart failure!!!

I really would pop over to the PPD board - there are lots of lovely ladies who can help and rough births are a major cause so you'll be in good company. So glad the meds are helping and you're able to see things more clearly.

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2011, 08:57:21 am »
So many hugs!!! What a horrid experience. So glad you got the medication and support you needed quickly xx I second the above post, do pop over to the ppd board if you want to talk anything through. More hugs. Xx
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Offline becj86

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2011, 04:29:28 am »
Awww, that's sounds awful. Glad you've gotten help so quickly and that the Xanax is helping.

More HUGS!

Offline mrsjerome

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Re: PPD meds...cant breastfeed and milk supply already low
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2011, 14:57:01 pm »
thanks ladies..