So, we have been dong the PU/PD method for our 8.5 month old DD for 5 nights now. Previously we were co-sleeping and BFing throughout the night. I just couldn't do it anymore.
I have read the book and we are following a 4 hour EASY routine throughout the day. The naps are not the problem. Since we started we have been able to get DD to nap or to bed (and back to sleep for wake ups) without her needing to BF (this in and of itself is a huge improvement since previously she would only nurse to sleep).
Naps can take anywhere from 3mins to 20 minutes to get her to sleep (sometimes no PU is necessary)
Bedtime can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour to get her to sleep (again, sometimes to PU is necessary, just a hand on her back).
The problem we are having is still with the number of wakeups. They have not dropped at all! DD used to wake up about 6-8 times per night and I would settle her by offering her the breast. Now, we are doing PU/PD, but she is still waking about 6 times per night. Most of the wakeups are in the first part of her sleep.
Below is a 'typical' night. (I think it was night 3 or 4 for us.)
Started bedtime routine at 6pm (bath, lotion, pjs, book, BF)
Asleep by 7:00pm
Up at 8:20pm (back asleep by 8:25pm)
Up at 9:40pm (back asleep by 9:55pm)
Up at 10:30pm (back asleep at 10:45pm)
up at 1:15am (back asleep at 1:40pm)
Up at 3:30am (back asleep at 3:32am)
Up at 7:30am for the day.
of the 5 nights I have given her one feed during the night on 3 of the 5 nights. She doesn't need the BF, but I gauge it each night since we have essentially cut them out cold turkey.
So, what gives?? I know that in the book it says that for older babies, babies who are used to BFing all night, babies used to co-sleeping etc (ALL of the above) it can take longer to change their habits and break the bad habits...and I am very happy that she is getting so much better at putting herself back to sleep/not needing me to go back to sleep. But, maybe I need some perspective?
Am I asking for too much too soon?
Am I doing something wrong?
When should the AMOUNT of night wakings decrease?
Oh, one more tidbit of info it will help...we do not go in right away...we try to see if she will settle herself, but often she does not, she sits up, stays sitting for a while, then will let out her cries.
Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.