Thanks to becj86 for your advice!
Also thanks Becky for her advice on another post. (To Becky: my DS was born 6 June, he doesn't use dummy and apart from his blanket and muslin square, he doesn't have any other lovie right now)
The routine you suggested seems quite idea, but the problem is if he's not fully on his first nap time, then I have to adjust the routine for the rest of the day?
Also I just tried to offer feeding at 3pm (fed him at 2pm on his nap wake up) but he's not taking any, probably not hungry yet, so can I try to offer the milk after 2 hr A time mark(if he takes it), so he has a 20-30 mins gap between feed and sleep?
Also need help with how to help him get through the sleep transition? He always fight when I settle him for naps or night sleep, by crying or sometimes every screaming, but most time I can settle him to sleep between 5-20 mins by patting & shsh or patting & singing.
He fights and wakes up after 20-40 mins regardless if I place him in his own cot or our bed, regardless if I co-sleep (lie down with him) or not.
He takes longer nap if he's in a baby carrier (close to grandma's chest) or baby pushchair when we are out.
Once he wakes up from his short nap, sometimes he's happy and quiet, that he plays his hands/blanket etc. for around 15 mins before start grizzling, but never fall asleep again by himself. Sometimes he wakes up grizzling straight away.
If I jump in immediately after he wakes up to re-settle, he then starts crying/fighting. I sometimes got lucky that I could re-settle him after another 15-20 mins that he'd sleep for another half an hour or 40-50 mins, but sometimes he kept crying fighting for more than 20 mins until I then give up.
Knowing that he won't be able to re-settle himself,
1. Do I better jump in straight away if he wakes up but quiet? or only jump in staight away after he starts grizzling (both in the case that grizzling after 15 mins and grizzling once wake up?)
2. If I failed to re-settle him after 20 mins or so, should I give up and let him stay up and do his A time or should I continue re-settling until we finish a 1 hr - 1.5 hr nap time?
(He'd cry/shout for 20 mins with tears...I thought EASY suppose to be a no tear way? although I'm holding/patting him, he's still crying, why? Is it harmful to leave him cry for too long even though I'm there for him?)
3. If I failed to re-settle him, do I shorten his next A time to 2 hr to adjust? or extend A time to make up the time? We'll end up have too long the A time in the late afternoon, unless I adjust the bed time to 6 or 8 time when all 3 naps are short. (yesterday, he took 2*30 mins nap plus a 20 mins catnap...)
I can try to settle him in his cot, as he does sleep in his cot bed before (although I noticed recently, it's getting tough, maybe because he started getting used co-sleep in our bed!) But we'd like to keep him in the same room as us (by putting his cot next to our bed), is that ok?
Poor hubby has been sleeping in sofa in recent weeks, but he's one that thought LO can sleep better in our bed so he'd sacrifice his bed to DS! Also it's a pain to have to up for 3-4 times during night to settle/nurse the baby, so to get everyone's better sleep, we have been compromising and went for the easy n lazy way.
Regarding reflux, Doctor thought he has reflux based on the symptoms, but she doesn't bother too much as DS is putting on weight ok n also he's a happy spitter. Doctors here usually think they'd grow out of reflux sooner or later. She did prescribe me Gaviscon, but DS didn't like it at all when I tried it when he was 2 months also it doesn't seem helpful, so basically he's not a med for Reflux (I don't agree with the doc that I should try to put some sugar in the Gaviscon to improve its taste, I don't want to give too much med to him either...)
Based on my observation, his reflux during night always not that bad, it's just hard to burp him during night after dreamfeeds, so he probably has discomfort due to gas, and since his swallow function more mature now, he sometimes swallow the milk back after reflux during daytime. He still vomits milk a few times a day though. I'd say sometimes better, sometimes worse. Overall, it's towards better.
When he was 2/3 months, he used to sleep ok during night, although he woke up 2-3 times for feed, the first half night was good, he could sleep from 7/8pm to 1/2am, but then woke up every 2 hr or so.
But since he was 3/4 months, he wakes up every 2/3 hrs during whole night.
I always feed him at 10 or 11 pm as he wakes up himself around that time anyway.
Most days, he wakes up in the morning very happy, and then starts in the noon or in the late afternnon, he becomes grumpy and cranky, I believe it's due to his short naps and hence OT.
Sorry for the long post. Night time has always been tough and tiring for me as I try to meet his demand by nursing him, so I haven't had a good night's sleep since he's born... and I dont have my own time at all during the day due to his short naps, I'd company him for his first 5-10 mins nap and then he wakes up after 20-30ish...I'm quite desperate now
Also he seems cry more and longer since I started Sh/Pat him to sleep before he settles to sleep, I don't know if I'm doing it wrong or it's just his response to the change that I want to make.
He's soon to be 6 month, Sh/Pat should still work for his age? I usually starts Sh/pat straight away after place him to bed, is it correct? Then he'd cry/fight for a good while, is it ok to leave him cry whilst I'm stay with him and pat him?
Many thanks in advance!