Author Topic: 6 month old waking up and wailing at night?  (Read 847 times)

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Offline shazam791

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6 month old waking up and wailing at night?
« on: November 23, 2011, 20:47:02 pm »
My 6 month DS used to sleep great at night, but now he wakes up all the time and will cry for short bursts and usually fall back to sleep on his own within a couple minutes. When he doesn't fall asleep on his own, sometimes it will take 45 min-3 hours to get him back to sleep again even though you can tell he is exhausted (limp and rubbing eyes) but still crying pretty hard. Not a mantra cry.

The details:
He usually wakes at 6:30a
1.5-2 hour naps at 9 and 1, catnap at 4:30 (usually 45 minutes, sometimes over an hour)
eating 8 oz formula every 4 hours + solids
bedtime routine starts at 6:45 with bath and bottle, usually asleep by 7:15-7:30p
wakes usually around 9:30pm, between midnight and 2 and then again around 5:30am ish (usually 3 wakings, sometimes up to 6)
when he's up he's crying. i try to soothe in crib, but occasionally do PU/PD -i do not feed him in the night
no prop/no lovie

So I'm wondering if he is getting too much daytime sleep? He seems very tired each time I put him down for a nap, and still yawns when he gets up after 1.5-2 hours. So I feel his naptimes are working...just unsure if that is causing his night wakings.

we don't watch tv, so don't think it is nightmares.
no teething that we can tell, but have given him advil occasionally before bed to see if that helps (it doesn't)
just started sitting

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Re: 6 month old waking up and wailing at night?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 20:53:21 pm »
When did you start solids? Could it be the solids keeping him awake? SOmeimtes LO get alot of tummy pain after starting as their gut adjusts.

 FWIW I do think you need to start capping the CN in order to look at dropping it. I would think about upping the A overall throughout the day too. A times at this age can become unreliable and tired cues can become learned at certain times of day and tired cues can also be boredom cues.

 (((hugs))) NW stink.  :-*

Offline shazam791

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Re: 6 month old waking up and wailing at night?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 21:02:47 pm »
I've heard that sleep cues become unreliable, but I just hate to keep him awake when he's whining and rubbing his eyes! But maybe he's not actually tired, who knows. He does fall asleep instantly when I put him in the crib (after 2 mo of PU/PD)

I started solids about 3 weeks ago. He seems fine during the day and naps well, not sure if NW are from solids when it's been hours since he's had any solid food? Ugh, so hard to tell when they can't tell you what's wrong!