Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease heeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!
I am 3 months pregnant and my 20 month old son has slept through the night once in his whole life! Long story short he started sleeping longer stretches at night when he was about 6 weeks but then at 3 months he just refused to drink milk in the day and squirmed at the bottle only drinking a few ounces at a time. The only time he would drink his milk with little fussing was when he was falling asleep or asleep. The doc gave me reflux meds thinking it might be that that was troubling him but no change. Anyway eventually I just accepted it and tried to give him as much milk as I could anytime he would take it which was mainly at night or when he was falling asleep for his naps and bedtime. He still only drinks milk if hes tired and refuses to hold the bottle, I have to do it for him

. He is funny with milk even as a milkshake, just blankly refuses it on after the first sip.
Anywho! He still wakes up at night for the bottle and for the last week Ive just refused to give it to him, on the fourth night he slept straight through! I was absolutely thrilled (not having slept properly in nearly 2 years), but for the past 2 nights its the worst its ever been! EVER!! He starts to wake up after about 1:30am and I give him juice which he refuses and then is restless and cries on and off for the rest of the night (every 20/30 mins) until his wake time.
I do feel he eats enough in the day, hes ok with solids, a bit fussy but I do try get enough down him to last through the night.
I am beyond shattered! Please help, has anyone got any advise how I can teach him to sleep through before the next one comes along

He is also getting his canines at the mo, I give him nurofen at night but it doesnt seem to help