Author Topic: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?  (Read 2862 times)

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Offline barbaraz78

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What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« on: November 27, 2011, 14:32:47 pm »
DH and I are starting thinking what to do for the end of the year. Usually we celebrate with friends, or we make a trip for few days and visit other cities where we join the celebration there. We are thinking to go somewhere the days before for a short trip and then come back for the 31st Dec and having parties with friends with children, so this would be a party also for DS that could play with other children. However, I am a little scared of keeping DS up till midnight... He usually goes to bed at 9 pm, so not really early, and occasionally we went to visit friends and made 10-10.30. In these occasions, he behaved quite well and enjoyed the evening, if he was free to play and walk around (he was little grumpy the days after, but he could manage to catch up after one or two days of normal routine). But we've never let him up till 12-12.30 am!  :o On the other hand, I feel that the end of the year is a big celebration for us, where we normally have fun, and I'd like he starts to take part at this event, as well as he does with Christmas or Easter.
I wonder what you do ladies: do you allow your toddler to play and celebrate with you the end of the year till late, or do you put your toddler to bed at the usual time and then celebrate with your family and friends?

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 16:32:39 pm »
Personally not for me! I'd have them tucked up in bed but mine are fairly young (3and1). NOt sure how old your DS is. The last 2 or 3 NYE I have been either tucked up in bed early myself or not long after the bells!  :-[  ;)

 I think its a fairly adult celebration (just my opinion!). I dont think kids would get it and there's not alot in it for kids really. PLus the fact that keepig them up just wouldn't be worth the tiredness at the time nor the OT the next day kwim?

 Good thing is though if you are having the party at your house and your DS is flagging oyu can just pop him to bed anyways!

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 18:04:36 pm »
My sister and I used to go to a big party with our parents at their friends house from the ages of 8 and 6, and it was just too much for us even then! I can remember struggling to stay awake there even at age 12  :(

I agree with Emma that New Years is better kept for the adults, as it's not worth having OT and OS kids for several days afterwards.

Offline barbaraz78

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 14:44:52 pm »
OK, thank you for the advice. I think that having fun or not for a kid depends on several things, such as the activity proposed for them and the kids' temperament. I remember I had party with my family when I was a child, and often there were one or two friends of mine (same age), and we enjoyed a lot together waiting midnight. I actually have very good memories. But I'm not sure how old I was, my first memories of New Year parties come when I was in primary school, so I suppose 6-7 years old.
I also have friends that keep their kids 2-3 y awake till midnight, but they are not BW mums and often keep their kids very late in the evening...
So, I kind of agree with you that my DS is probably too young for all this, and he'll probably not understand what is going on yet and, yes, I am scared of OT that could come the days after...

Offline aisling

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 14:57:20 pm »
Barbara we are Italian (my Dad and DH) living in Canada so funny enough we sit with Nonno at 6pm (midnight in Europe) our time and watch the RAI station and watch the countdown with DS in Rome.  :D That has been his New Years countdown for the past 3 years lol!  We blow horns, where hats, etc...and kiss, he loves it.  Last year, we did it again with London at 7pm our time and we did the countdown and celebration again so fun and funny. Then he goes to bed and we sit and eat and relax and eat and eat...we stay home low key with family. Maybe you could watch with DS the countdown earlier in teh day/evening in China or Australia lol!  :-*

Offline barbaraz78

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 22:11:55 pm »
Aisling, that could be a great idea! :) I think he would really like it!
Ah, and Italian eating is by itself a good way to celebrate, right? ;)

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 22:15:04 pm »
Ais I love that idea!!!   ;D ;D wonder if it's possible to catch an internet  channel feed...

fwiw, we have never let our kids stay up that late.  9pm is pretty much the latest they do.  in the past, we've had friends over, and we just play games & such after the kids go to sleep. 
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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2011, 01:46:43 am »
Ah, and Italian eating is by itself a good way to celebrate, right? ;)

The best!   :)

Ais I love that idea!!!   ;D ;D wonder if it's possible to catch an internet  channel feed...

For sure.  Even BBC website might show London at 7pm EST.

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2011, 03:37:33 am »
NYE is the only night my kids stay up late... and we pay for it!  DH and his siblings and all the kids gather at my in-laws house and we have a giant sleep over there.  The 8 cousins (I am sure the 9th will be asleep sooner, at 4 months old) all crash on the family room floor shortly after midnight (all in jammies well before).  It's tradition and the kids so look forward to that one day they can see a number beyond 8:00 on the clock  ;)

Ais, if not for this tradition, I would so adopt yours!!  :-*

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Offline barbaraz78

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Re: What are you planning to do for the end of the year?
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2011, 22:26:05 pm »
That's what I meant Rachel! I'm sure that F would enjoy to stay up a single night in the year and that he would look forward to it. For me it was like this when I was a child. But your kids are older than mine, and now I'm really convinced that he's too young to make midnight. For some years more, I think I will try Ais' solution if I can. It would introduce him to the reason of the party anyhow.