So, DD is two and at 7 months we discovered Baby Lead Weaning by default because she pretty much refused anything from a spoon! She learned to use a spoon quite well very early on - I think by 9 months? Can't quite remember. But anyway, she's been fiercely independent this whole time until the past few weeks. She decided on her own to ditch the highchair and booster seat and is insisting on sitting (rather kneeling) at the table for meal. But after a few bites she ends up on our laps stabbing at our food. And will eat quite a lot if we feed her! This is hard for me cuz she doesn't eat a lot to begin with so if she's eating i'm happy! And I'm OK with this if it's a stage but how do I know if it's just a stage or the beginning of a really terrible habit? I just can't understand why she's suddenly wanting me to feed her? no big changes or anything - except turning two.
Another thing, i pretty much offer her what i'm having - it's not like I'm eating anything different. she just wants it off my plate!