Author Topic: 12 WO DS used to EASY and now sleeps too much?  (Read 885 times)

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12 WO DS used to EASY and now sleeps too much?
« on: November 30, 2011, 16:12:03 pm »
Hi all,

Started easy on my ds about 3 weeks ago. After some tough times, it seems that I understand him better and he now falls asleep quite easilywithou even a pattshh. However things are now going the other way....

E 700
A 700 - 815
S 815 - 1015 ( i wake him up)
E 1030
A 1030 - 1130
S 1130 - 1430
E 1500 ( i wake him up)
A 1500 - 1600
S 1600 - 1630 ( this is where it gets icky)
What do I do with this time??? He gets tired and upset and I get nervous when to feed
E 1900
A 1900 - 2000
S 2030 ( falls asleep after 30 minute mantra cry)
DF 2300
NW 400 and feed

How do i handle his short A times, because he gets tired easily and falls asleep....but then i am scared that he sleeps too much during the day and i wake him up after 2 - 2,5 hrs. Would you let him sleep? That would mean almost 3hrs morning and lunchtime nap....afternoon he only sleeps maybe 2 x 30 minutes. And how would you try skip his 4 am feed?

Look forward to your ideas!

First time mum, usually very confident but DS makes me insecure at times ;-)

Offline Smurfette

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Re: 12 WO DS used to EASY and now sleeps too much?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2011, 03:53:42 am »
Hi there

If he's waking for his day around 7 am then I would try aiming for  bedtime of 7 pm or so and treat all other wakings as a night feed. Babies usually do better with an earlier, rather than later, bedtime. :)
If it helps to stretch things, I'd let him sleep a bit longer in the day and then do a last cat nap around 5 ish. Or your current routine may still work by just bringing up BT earlier. That could help to eliminate some of the crying at the current BT too.

Either way, if he's tired, let him sleep! ;) It sounds like he is a high sleep needs baby and there is nothing wrong with that! Lots of us wish we had that! ;)

I wouldn't be trying to skip his 4 am feed, he's probably going to still need that for awhile. Plus, there is a growth spurt that happens right around now too. :)

Looks like you're doing a great job so far. :)

Offline becj86

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Re: 12 WO DS used to EASY and now sleeps too much?
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2011, 23:46:03 pm »
"S 1600 - 1630 ( this is where it gets icky)
What do I do with this time??? He gets tired and upset and I get nervous when to feed"
I'd feed again here at 1630, then bath ~1800, bedtime feed, change nappy and into bed around 1900, DF at 2030 or so.

That way you're cluster feeding to bedtime and should get a reasonable stretch. I wouldn't try to skip a night feed yet, he's only so little.

Enjoy the sleep and the you time :)