Hi there
If he's waking for his day around 7 am then I would try aiming for bedtime of 7 pm or so and treat all other wakings as a night feed. Babies usually do better with an earlier, rather than later, bedtime.

If it helps to stretch things, I'd let him sleep a bit longer in the day and then do a last cat nap around 5 ish. Or your current routine may still work by just bringing up BT earlier. That could help to eliminate some of the crying at the current BT too.
Either way, if he's tired, let him sleep!

It sounds like he is a high sleep needs baby and there is nothing wrong with that! Lots of us wish we had that!

I wouldn't be trying to skip his 4 am feed, he's probably going to still need that for awhile. Plus, there is a growth spurt that happens right around now too.

Looks like you're doing a great job so far.