Ok, I need some help here. Last night he had trouble settling, but ate well, boobs and bottle. At 11ish I did DF, took only 1oz. So I thought I'd get some hrs of sleep. He woke at 1am, I resettled him by holding and paci. But then he woke after 2am hungry! Again at 4am hungry! Then he didn't eat til 830am, barely cuz his sister was screaming in the same room. Ate again at 11am, 1245, woke from nap hungry 145pm. Grrr.... I know it takes a while but I want the change now! I know I know, be patient. I'm just not sure of this. Am I on the right track? I try to fill him with formula at night, do DF....then hold off his feeds. Some reassurance pls! Thank you!