My little girl is 7 1/2 months old and has started waking in the night for several feeds (last night she had a dream feed at 10, then fed at 1, 3 and 5!). The trouble is that she really isn't interested in bf during the day. We have tried to give her a bottle of formula at bedtime, in the hopes this might fill her up, but she will only drink about 50ml
and consequently she is hungry throughout the night!
She has always been a really efficient feeder, and only ever feeds for about 5 mins max, and at about 5 months, she refused my left breast entirely - the supply slowly dwindled, and now she only feeds from my right breast, which means I haven't got the option of feeding her on both sides any more!
She has 3 solid meals a day, so I don't know whether to reduce these in the hopes that she will bf better? Any advice would be great as I am at a loss as to what to do!