Author Topic: need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser  (Read 2106 times)

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Offline oliversmommy

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need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser
« on: December 05, 2011, 17:37:30 pm »
I EBF my 10 week old DS, and his feeds have always taken a long time (around an hour for the first couple of months; we are now down to about 45 minutes).  I'm a FTM and it took me a while to distinguish between suckling and sucking - he typically sucks in between suckling, and often falls asleep while nursing and takes a while to wake up (with my help) to continue eating.  I assumed the feeds would shorten in length as DS got older, however he appears to just be spending more time sucking/sleeping.  A LC recommended I take him off the breast as soon as he switches to sucking, which I've been trying to do, however I'm concerned that he is not getting a full feed at each meal and is turning into a snacker, as he used to nurse 7-8x a day and now nurses 9x.  He is also NW more frequently - 3x a night (between 7-7, not including feed before bed and 7 am feed) - he seems to complete a full feed each time - do you think he is not getting enough to eat during the day?  I really don't want to go back to hour-long feeds but I don't want to deprive my LO of food; unfortunately I think I've allowed some bad habits to form and I don't know how to fix them!  He used to love his paci but rarely takes it these days (I think because he prefers the boob . . . )  Any thoughts/suggestions on what to do???

Offline becj86

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Re: need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 23:11:18 pm »
Yep - these are tips I used from the start as I had ~6 different LC's visit me in ICU with DS because I couldn't go and get him, nor could I hold him with all the tubes in my arms, etc.

They would watch him suck and swallow, then if the fluttering/sucking without swallowing started, they'd count to 20. They'd then rub the side of his jaw/the middle of his forehead. If he didn't start swallowing, he'd come off. They'd wake him a bit by sitting him up and burping him, then put him on again. Continue doing this til he didn't start suckling when put back on.

I think he's a quick feeder partly due to my letdown, but also probably related to learning that boob time is for eating. I suspect he doesn't bite me now he has teeth for the same reason. I could be totally wrong about that...

No idea on the paci, I guess once the boob time is reduced, the paci time may increase again. DS only has his in his bed these days but when he was 10 weeks, I'd let him have it during A time if he wanted it.

Offline Shiv52

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Re: need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2011, 23:16:20 pm »
They would watch him suck and swallow, then if the fluttering/sucking without swallowing started, they'd count to 20. They'd then rub the side of his jaw/the middle of his forehead. If he didn't start swallowing, he'd come off.
This was the advice my MV gave me.  Once you feel that fluttering at your nipple she told me to count reallly slowly to 10 and if she didn't start feeding again unlatch her. 

At 10 weeks it wouldnt' be totally unusual to have a few NFs.  I know until after our 3 month growth spurt I was probably feeding at 10pm, 1-2, 5-5.30am.  Breastmilk is amazing stuff but is digested quickly. 

HOw long is he lasting between feeds in the day?  I've always read that they should be able to go as long at night as they are in the day and so long as they are taking full feeds then it is most likely hunger and just feed. 

Offline oliversmommy

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Re: need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2011, 14:49:24 pm »
Bec - I'm sorry to hear you were in the ICU after DS's birth - that must have been really hard. 

I really appreciate the suggestions - I've been trying them out w/ DS during feeds and I really think it is helping - if nothing else it is giving me some control over the situation, and also reassures me that he is getting enough to eat.  I wish I would have had this info 10 weeks ago!  :)

DS eats on average every 2.5 hrs during the day, and 3-4 hours at night, so it sounds like it is actually hunger that wakes him up at night.  Hopefully he'll start going longer at night within the next month or so (I'm keeping my fingers crossed at least!)

Offline becj86

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Re: need help with 10 wk old SLOW nurser
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2011, 23:18:42 pm »
Thanks, it was tough but I'm pretty sure I paid my debt then and got a relatively easy baby out of it :P Maybe he was trained to sleep at night while in the SCN...

Sounds like he's doing great with lasting between feeds and things will definitely get better. Even with all that help, there's still info I picked up along the way that I wished I'd had in the beginning - its a learning curve, for sure.

Glad its helping :)