Levi takes about half an hour to feed. he only feeds in a particular position and he cant have any distractions. no one else can feed him but me because no one else knows how to do it. he doesnt feed in the regular position, i have to lay him on his side across my lap with his head on a pillow, so he feeds on his side and thats pretty much the only way he will feed. if he feeds in any other position he simply will not eat, he clams his mouth shut or squirms and wriggles his head and body in different directions. Ive seen people try to feed him and they cannot believe it, my Dad is at a loss because he likes to try and help by feeding him.
he takes roughly half an hour to feed, the problem being that he takes so long and it gets cold, he wont drink it when its cold so I have to reheat it in boiling water, while we wait for that it starts to get thicker (added to the bottle at the beginning of the feed) so then he gets lazy about drinking any faster, he doesnt really have a good seal around the teat, he kind of just looks like a fish sucking on it. he can get a good seal but he doesnt always do this and sometimes hes not even sucking, hes just 'mouthing'
my friend thought he mightve had tongue tie so I took him to the dr and he ssaid theres nothing wrong with his mouth or tongue, its all anatomically correct and no tongue tie, its just the way he feeds. so anyway, we get 20mins into the feed and the bottle is cold again so I heat it up again because hes refusing it. as soon as its warm again he will eat but of course by this time hes just not that interested.
Its infuriatingly frustrating!!!! I feed him every 4 hours, if i try to feed him less then it takes longer and most of the time he will not even really take it. Im really needing some help with this because it would be nice to be able to leave him with someone else so they can feed him.
why is he so difficult to feed?