We also discussed an IgG test for both Arthur & Charles to see if we can pinpoint specific food sensitivity triggers, but we probably won't do that until next visit (good thing too - cause this was all starting to get pretty expensive )
He's also a very experienced NAET practitioner http://www.naet.com/ He mentioned perhaps doing some NAET treatments in the future for both boys if needed, but again, we can cross that bridge later as it comes
Just wanted to say thanks for posting everything you did about your practicioner, he sounds awesome. FOr some feedback on the above, I have followed through with both for Kai. I spent a small fortune on NAET and it did not help him much
In fact, once he was "cleared" of everything he still was sensitive as ever to the things he was "cleared" of. My practicioner was properly trained by Nambuipad, but she mostly just treated foods and some hormones. I would not waste the time and evergy again there are more fruiftul avenues ot pursuse such as biochemical imbalances. These are so real and pertinent to one's digestion, and need to be corrected with supplmentation if out of whack.
As for IGG, be very careful. It only gives useful info for a small subset of people and under controlled circumstances. We paid $400 for the tests for Kai and they showed nothing.
Unless one has been exposed to a wide range of foods in and decent quantities, then it may be useful, and even then this test assumes that the IGG antiobdy is being produced as a negative reaction to the food. Realisticially the IGG antibody response this is only a pathway for say 1/4 of all food intolerant people. My Kai had not eaten enough dairy gluten or salicylates within the 6 weeks before the test, and so it does not tell one anything for these groups... and also, his food intolerance pathway is not an IGG response, it is more about the functionality of his liver and ability to produce digestive enzymes and all the other things needed for a healthy gut... the root being his zinc/copper imbalances and also a condition called Pyroluria (which depletes the body of B6 and zinc). No amount of NAET, chiro or anything can change those things for Kai.
I would also put it out there to anyone with kiddies with digestive issues to ask for a triple faeces test for parasites. (This is the most accurate test, other tests show false negatives as they aren;t cultred for long enough). All this time Kai has had a blastocystis hominis infection and it COULD be a major contributor to his gut health, food intolerances and reflux, along with his biochemical imbalances. We won't know until he is treated and testws show he is clear of the parsite to see the real effects.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!