Megan, I've been reading along on the gaps yahoo group and someone posted today about heating raw milk for yogurt, here was the response: "You don't have to heat it. You get a better consistancy from the yogurt if you
heat it and kill off the competing bacteria. Of course it is no longer raw. If you don't heat it, the yogurt is thinner and more "gloppy". Now I don't mind gloppy and I prefer it raw. I don't make it much though. Kefir is easier."
So the GAPS practitioner that emailed me back today said Arthur is for sure in die off. She's currently working with 4 other babies all with similar symptoms to what we are experiencing so I'm looking forward to corresponding with her in conjunction to the other ND we are seeing. I think whatever bad-guys we've got going on in our family really don't like the Acidophilus, so that's probably why we're getting such a pronounced die off from the Vital Immune. Ds1's behaviour was dramatically improved today and I only put a pinch of the vital immune in his BM as opposed to a whole capsule.
Jutka, I posted about our bone broth situation on the gaps yahoo group. This is one response I got from a Mama that I find particularily helpful: "If he is reacting to bone broth then stick with meat broths for now, which are gentler. And perhaps only simmer for an hour or so to minimize amines. Using Super fresh meat (ie the day of or the day after kill) will also minimize amines and may have less of a reaction. My son used to get very red splotches on his face after drinking the meat broth particularly when it contacted his skin. It looked nasty, but i persisted since the week we started the broths his mysterious hives, which he had for 5 months daily, disappeared. he no longer gets this red face. We've been on the broths since August last year but gaps intro/full for 3 months now"
And another response from a Mama about introducing probiotics (might be helpful in your situation as well Jutka)
"I forgot to mention (not sure if someone else mentioned) to go slow with the probiotics. We started on a tiny tiny amount- the tip of a knife. Maybe like 10 specs? And if you go SKJ, a drop a day for 5 days to see if there's a reaction. I thought my son couldn't tolerate them but that's because we gave him too much too soon. We're now up to a 1/5 capsule per day and generally able to increase much quicker now. Hoping to get to a 1/2 capsule in the next week. Also don't forget the detox baths if you're not doing already, Epsom salts, ACV or bicarb. "
Jutka - I would keep up with the 2ml for another few days. If she seems to be ok, up it a little, if not, back off a touch but do not back off completely. She really needs those good probiotics.