Author Topic: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!  (Read 1308 times)

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Offline jennbk

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Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« on: December 11, 2011, 17:36:48 pm »
Hello!  My ds is 9 mo and I still give him a DF.  :P  I know I'm supposed to increase his intake throughout the day, but I struggle to get him to drink as it is.  Currently, he is taking 15-20 oz (of pumped milk) per day, including one nursing session (usually only about 5 minutes) in the morning.  He also eats 3 meals a day.  He is super fidgety and easily distracted while nursing/taking a bottle, so I have to do it when he is super relaxed or drowsy.  I always try to do it right when he wakes up, but I've even resorted to giving him milk before sleep.  I have todo this because this is the rare time he is drowsy.  Otherwise, it is so hard to get him to drink!!  Increasing his milk during the day seems impossible!  SO, I still give him a DF just because I want to be sure he gets enough milk.  What should I do??  Is it SO terrible to do this?  Here is our (good) EASY.  Please advise on anything you see that could use tweaking  ???

6:30 wake, nurse (usually only 5 min)
8:00 breakfast ( try to use at least 1 oz in food)
9:30 nap
11:00 bottle, I try for 5 oz. rarely finishes
12:00 lunch
2:30-3:00 nap (sometimes give milk)
4:00 wake, bottle, a few oz.
5:00 dinner
7:00 - 7:30 bed
10:30 DF about 4-5 oz.

He will usually sttn from this point.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 17:40:14 pm by jennbk »

Offline Lolly

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2011, 17:47:37 pm »
Why don't yu try dropping to 3 bottles and see if that helps. The normal pattern is to have a milk feed first thing, just before the afternoon nap and at bedtime. He should take more at each feed that way. It could be that the DF is having an impact on day calories too so I would wean that down by 1oz every 3 days and get rid of it.

What do you think?


Offline jennbk

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2011, 21:22:56 pm »
Thank you, Laura.  I will definitely try this.  We can actually try today because he refused his second bottle (and lunch) so I will try the bottle again before his afternoon nap.  I will slowly cut back on the DF too.  So without the DF, should he just sleep all the way through?  It just seems impossible, but I can't wait!

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 08:58:00 am »
He *should* sleep through, but nightwaking can be for many reasons not just calories. If you know he is getting enough in the day then you can post on EASY or the sleep boards to see if a tweak in routine will help the nights if they are still bad.


Offline jennbk

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2011, 19:02:47 pm »
Thank you!  We are in progress, we'll see how it goes.  The last 2 nights we've had EW at 4.  Our days have been pretty messed up.  But I just noticed a little top tooth breaking through...

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2011, 19:06:44 pm »
Teeth eh? That will do it for disturbed nights. Are you giving meds?


Offline jennbk

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2011, 16:41:53 pm »
Yes, teeth are barely showing on the top!  The last several nights have not been great, last night we were up up at 2, 4, 6 (roughly)  I did not give meds last night, because I thought he was okay after getting him back down.  I think I might put a little meds in his DF.  Does it ever end?  Just kidding, I know it doesn't :)  I  know we'll get some sleep one og these nights :)

Offline momma.bear

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2011, 02:16:53 am »
Just curious to know how your LO is doing. Were you able to drop the DF? I'm in a very similar situation right now, but instead of a DF I'm doing a NF around 2-4am. It's a huge chore to get milk in her during the day too. Are you using a bottle or sippy cup? I find that when I use the sippy cup she gets more quicker and she prefers that. I also find that giving her a few ounces, then a play break, and then a few more ounces helps. Do you give a bottle at bedtime or is the last feeding prior to the dream feed at 4pm?
Also, just curious how many times a day you pump and at what times. And does it coordinate with your LOs feedings?
Hope things are going better!!
« Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 02:19:06 am by momma.bear »

Offline jennbk

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2011, 16:51:32 pm »
Hi there.  So, On day 3 of trying to drop the DF, sweet DS got sick.  It's his first illness and I had NO idea how wonkers things can be!!  So he's taking even less milk due to congestion, we are still doing the DF, but it's only a couple of ounces because he can't breathe!  Pumping/nursing is more difficult because 1) DS doesn't want to be left alone long enough for me to pump, 2) he's not really nursing at all due to illness, 3) his sleeping schedule is off.
I'm considering starting to wean because the pumping is getting harder and harder and over the last 5 days my supply has gone way down. 

Thanks for the input, I will try the sippy cup, but don't seem to have any problems with the bottle.  I also do a little play break :)  I give a bed time bottle right before bed and then the DF around 10 (although trying to get it earlier and earlier as we get rid of it.)  Then he usually nurses a little (like only 5 min) when he wakes around 6 a.m.  I'm concerned about his intake so I've resorted to giving him milk before not the EASY way!

Offline momma.bear

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Re: Help! Still gets a DF at 9 months!
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2011, 13:11:03 pm »
Sorry to hear about the rough start. And yes, it must be frustrating trying to pump when he needs you so often. I've managed to pump only first thing in the morning and after DD is in bed and keep up with her day time intake, but I think that only works because she still has a night feed and a decent bf lately before breakfast.
One other thing I've found works really well is to give her a toy while I give her a bottle, and she's often able to drink in one sitting, just have to make sure she's stays interested in the toy.
Hope things get better for you and DS gets over this illness soon.