Thanks for the quick and insightful replies everyone! A quick update first. Last night she slept till 4:30am (after basically sleeping all day) and when she woke I gave her 2oz of Pedialyte (gave her 4 oz but she only took 2..which i'm happy for cuz i wasnt sure she would drink it at all!). We also slept with the humidifier on in the room. The rash looked worse at 4:30am. She quickly drifted back off to sleep after the feeding so I did too.
She woke again at 7:00 and so I gave her another 4oz of Pedialyte and changed a wet diaper. And the rash actually looks much better! She's sleeping now (hence me having the time to
So, to answer your questions. The doctor wasnt convinced either that the rash was from the formula, since she thinks it would have appeared soon after i started introducing it to her in her breastmilk 6 days ago. She said it appears more viral than allergies.
She does not suffer from reflux, that i know of.
So, i'm debating on switching brands, or sticking with the enfamil infant. If i stick with the enfamil, and she STILL doesnt tolerate it (either with the rash, white poops, lethargy, etc) then i KNOW it's the formula as she seems pretty much back to normal at this point (we'll see how her next poop looks!)
However, i kinda feel like it's a science project at the expense of my poor girl. I suppose it's for her own good that we find out what she can and cannot tolerate. It sounds to me like this is all a coincidence and she has a little bug, and the inability to digest the enfamil formula to boot. Fun! Just what i needed!
I was recommended the Nestle Good Start Gentle from several friends. I like the fact that it's made with 100% whey and sounds like my girl will digest it better as it doesnt contain the harder to digest protein that most milf formulas have (At least that's what the lady on the Gerber website tells me, heh).
I'm kinda feeling like just skipping the science project and getting on the hunt for a better formula.. Rash aside, that poop just didnt look good!
Oh and to the last poster, I told the Doc about the poops, and she said the white poops usually represent a liver problem but it is only present in babies with chronic illness and it doesnt come on all of a sudden. My LO has been otherwise very healthy and the Doc checked her out yesterday and, other than the rash, looks good. Thanks for the concern, and the invite to the EASY group. I'll check it out!