I'm starting to move off breast feeding and move to bottle feeding, which I'm doing slowly. My LO is 5 months and have also just started weaning him. He currently has 2 bottles of formula, one at 11 and the other at his bt feed at 7:30.
I have two questions really, the first being that at the moment I still cluster feed giving him breast at 6:00 pm, then formula at 7:30. So when he has all feeds on bottle should I drop this cluster feed? Would it be too much giving him 2 bottles in this space of time and should he need it when on solids? ( the feed before is at 3:00)
The second question is "they" advise that he has 5 feeds a day, I don't df so if I drop the cluster he will only have 4 feeds a day, is this bad?
Any advice is much appreciated!