Author Topic: Drop the cluster feed?  (Read 1026 times)

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Drop the cluster feed?
« on: December 15, 2011, 21:59:27 pm »
I'm starting to move off breast feeding and move to bottle feeding, which I'm doing slowly. My LO is 5 months and have also just started weaning him. He currently has 2 bottles of formula, one at 11 and the other at his bt feed at 7:30.

 I have two questions really, the first being that at the moment I still cluster feed giving him breast at 6:00 pm, then formula at 7:30. So when he has all feeds on bottle should I drop this cluster feed? Would it be too much giving him 2 bottles in this space of time and should he need it when on solids? ( the feed before is at 3:00)

The second question is "they" advise that he has 5 feeds a day, I don't df so if I drop the cluster he will only have 4 feeds a day, is this bad?

Any advice is much appreciated!


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Re: Drop the cluster feed?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 16:46:25 pm »
He shouldn't need the cluster feed once he is on formula as it takes longer to digest than breast milk so you may find he doesn't want the extra feed. You may need to play around with feeds if you aren't doing a DF as he will wake hungry in the night if he isn't getting enough in the day. That said some babies do only have 4 bottles in 24 hours at this age, especially if they are taking full 9oz bottles! If he is hungry he will let you know!
