I have a six month old who has been almost exclusively breastfed, aside from maybe 4-5 formula bottles. The other night we spontaneously went out to eat so I didn't pump, but had the sitter give her a bottle with formula. She drank about 7 oz before bed, I came home and did a DF, and she slept better than she has since she was 3 months old! (She's been up off and on since 4 mo, she'd slept through the night since 7 wks.)
Anyway, I'm wondering if this is more than coincidence. The person who sat for us is a mom and she said she hated to tell me, but that babies sleep better on formula, and I think I've heard that before.
I'm considering doing a bottle just before bed only, at least until her solids are firmly established. I'm wondering if I should do it for her bedtime feed or her DF. I also know I have to make sure she burps real good before sleeping after formula...