he already sttn, hes not waking to feed more at night.
hes done the same silly pattern today as he did yesterday and its annoying. he does a 40min nap in the morning then a 2 hour nap after that (after a bottle, not falling asleep on the bottle but having a feed before bed) then a full A time and another 40min nap, and we are exactly where we were yesterday now, its been an hour since he woke up(i tried to keep him up longer but hes cranky and irritable) and its been three hours since his last feed and he will not sleep, its definitely not a self soothing cry and if i try to assist him (patting) he still wont settle either, theres nothing else but hunger to rule out and if i was to give him a feed now he would probably fall asleep after i put him down. hes never been fed to sleep and this has only happened the last few days so it cant be a prop already.