Hi everyone!
DS is 2 weeks old today. He had a tongue tie so breastfeeding was difficult and we've been supplementing with a bottle for about a week. On Monday he got his TT clipped and since, he will not breastfeed at all. So he's only drinking from the bottle - a mix of EBM and formula.
He drinks 3.5 - 4 oz per feeding, and has approximately 8-9 feeds per day.
He had lost quite a lot of weight at the beginning due to the TT causing breastfeeding difficulties but he has gained back nicely since we're supplementing him and he's now over his birth weight (9 lbs as of today). He has gained 65 grams per day since last Thursday.
Although I'm glad he's gained so well and want him to be healthy, since I've never bottle fed such a small baby I'm wondering if we're feeding him a good quantity or not? He spits up once in a while, maybe once or twice per day. He's also not very good at burping.