Author Topic: 17 month old... sleep regression????  (Read 3875 times)

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Offline lizzib45

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17 month old... sleep regression????
« on: December 23, 2011, 18:06:22 pm »
Hi Ladies.  You all helped us when I stopped rocking him and used the PUPD method when DS was 13 months. He goes through periods of 1-3 NWs for about 1-2 months then about a month of no NW - STTN.  But the last week has been a 180! He has been waking twice a night, usually around 12 then again at 4am. The 4 am is the real kicker. He really wants to be up at 5 am so 4 to him is close enough. I end up sleeping with him in the recliner in his room- otherwise I miss on 2 hours of sleep before work. Last night was the mess though. We have had the same nightly routine since he was 3 months old (maybe need to change it up?) we start bath at 630, he plays for probably 20 mins then get him ready for bed. he gets his milk in the dark room with me holding him in the recliner. The last few days he has been fighting me when I hold him still after his milk. I put him in his crib told him it was time to go to sleep. he ended up chatting and bouncing for about 35 mins before he started getting upset (side note: he will puke if he gets too upset which happens in less than 2 mins of hard crying). I ended up bringing him out into our living room but at 830 DH tried getting him to sleep, no go. I finally got him down in 5 mins at 930 with me holding him still and shh'ing him. He woke at 12 and 5 and at 5 he was ed off ready to play! He maybe got 8 hours of sleep when he normally gets about 11 hours.
Now our daily routine is usually as follows:
6-630am up for the day
830 breakfast
11am - 1230/1pm nap time
2pm lunch
5pm dinner
630 start of the nightly routine
730 asleep

Now with the PUPD method he never allowed me to leave the room before he fell asleep. So i would be in his room for anywhere from 5-15 mins with the occassional PD.  He is also cutting his canines right now, and all his 1 year molars finally cut within the last 2 weeks. I have ZERO clue had to get this back on track. I only got about 4 solid hours of sleep last night.  and His NW require milk. I cant not give it to him, he will refuse to go back to sleep! I feel like we are one fat mess right now!

Offline *Becky*

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Re: 17 month old... sleep regression????
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2011, 12:47:10 pm »
bumping up x

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Re: 17 month old... sleep regression????
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2011, 13:08:00 pm »
He is also cutting his canines right now,

We got some horrible NW at 3/4am when our DS was cutting his canines - they were by far the worst ones to cut through so far.  I hate to say it, but I think you may just have to ride this bit out until the teeth are cut, and then reassess the situation, as doing sleep training while he's in pain isn't a good idea.  And you won't know how much of your troubles are related to teething versus routine or other issues.  Do you medicate before BT?  Have you tried to do a meds DF?  I never dared do that, but I know of others who do.  Or if he does wake in the night, dose him up with meds, apply teething gel & try to resettle him.  

I probably wouldn't stop giving the milk while his teeth are cutting, but once they are done you could stop & use a sleep training method such as WI/WO to help him to re-learn how to self settle.

he gets his milk in the dark room with me holding him in the recliner. The last few days he has been fighting me when I hold him still after his milk. I put him in his crib told him it was time to go to sleep. he ended up chatting and bouncing for about 35 mins before he started getting upset

Maybe its time to change this up a bit now he is older?  I know if I tried to hold my toddler still in a dark room he would have a screaming fit!  If you want to keep with the milk in his room that's fine but perhaps just put him straight into bed afterwards (once teeth brushed of course)?

If it helps, we do milk downstairs, read a story then up to brush his teeth & then bed & he settles fine.  I think we are going to start letting him climb up the stairs to bed too - he seems to like it when we let him do things that make him feel grown up.

Also wanted to ask do you stay in the room until he is asleep?

ETA: also forgot to add at 17 months there is a huge developmental leap going on - Wonder Week 75 & sleep can also go very wonky down to that.

Offline lizzib45

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Re: 17 month old... sleep regression????
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2012, 15:00:06 pm »
Sorry just seeing your reply.
Yeah I- am thinking we need to change the routine a bit.  I have pushed his nap and bed time ahead. So now his nap is 12 and bedtime is 745ish. Seems to go down a bit easier with more A time.
He has the canines still coming in. They are taking their sweet time. I do give him advil but honestly it doesnt seem to change his NW. The last few days are all over the place. Two nights ago he would not let me put him back in his crib. He clung to me and freaked out. The next night he STTN well until 530. Last night he was up at 1230, 3, and 530. His EW are straight killing me. Even with the later bedtime, he still is ready to play at 530. I really am about to lose it with the EW.
I think I will change the bedtime routine and just wait till the teeth cut. After these 4 I think he has 4 more to go.  I did order a no cry sleep book as I am out of ideas. WI/WO hasnt worked for us. He jumps right up if he hears me leaving- even if he is practically asleep. Needless to say, I am exhausted.