Well what about giving your own mashed foods? What if he does refuse?
Ok, maybe prepare a few food choices, something mashed and a couple of finger vegetables, see how he does. Then offer some chopped up fruit, just take it away if he's not interested and ditto with some pudding, e.g. a yoghurt. Take the pressure off, say to yourself it doesn't matter but also eat with him. If you're really worried you could do as I do and always introduce new foods / textures etc at lunchtime and chose something 'safe' for tea? That way, if your child's sleep is really affected by food or lack of (mine seems to be) then at least you have your teatime insurance policy!
I wouldn't worry too much if he doesn't get his 5 a day as unprocessed fruit and veg, you can sneak in so much into stews, sauces etc. Remember not everything he eats has to be solid finger foods. We eat soft spoonable foods as adults sometimes and no-one thinks that's weird.
Maybe if you want to get away from the 'idea' of jars, it would be a good idea if you do still serve them to keep the jars out of sight. I've heard some parents putting home made food into jars because their kids won't accept anything else which is a state I'd hate to get to.