Hi all
Need your advice. my son lately has just thrown away his pacifier into the dustbin because he has bitten it into half. Though he does ask for it before he sleeps, he does understand when I explained that it was broken and he has already thrown it into the dustbin. He will give me a shy grin.
However, having nothing to suck on, he doesn't settle down easily. He will talk and roll on the bed, recap what he did for a day, recite letter A-Z... Or stand up from bed and ask us to read to him for a good half to an hr. all this can last for at least 1hr to 2.5 hrs. He is obviously tired because whenever we bring him out for a walk, 5-10 mins, he will be sleeping soundly on our shoulder.
Should I buy him a new pacifier or should I just endure as this is just a passing phrase? Any moms has similar experience after their toddler drop their pacific?