...and not only is he getting too tall for his crib, but his crib mattress is falling apart!
I am not one to make changes for the sake of it, and Dylan sleeps like a champ in his crib (11h nights, a 1-2h nap during the day), but he can no longer stretch out in his crib without his toes touching the bottom. That alone wouldn't be enough for me to force the issue (because it's clearly not bothering him given how well he's sleeping) but his crib mattress is literally falling apart at all four corners. The piping around the edge is ripping away and is exposing the grey padding between the cover and the springs, which is starting to fall apart also. The fitted sheets are keeping it together okay, but he's over 30 pounds and he likes to bounce and play so I'm sure that won't work forever.
He's had the BBB in his room for nearly a year, and he's always had the option of sleeping there but we never pushed it. He chose the bedding (purple and pink Dora, lol
), he plays on it, we read bedtime stories laying on it, but when it comes time for sleep he always chooses his crib. Ever since the mattress started falling apart I've tried to gently persuade him (tucking him into the BBB after stories results in "No momma, I want to sleep in my crib!", saying "are you sure you don't want to sleep in your BBB just like mommy and daddy" results in a firm toddler NO!) but he has never slept in his BBB. In fact, other than the cot he naps on at daycare, the only time he's ever slept in a bed was when he was hospitalized. He's never slept in our bed, never been away... (jeez, we're boring!)
What to do? I was talking to DH about maybe ditching the BBB that we have (which was really inexpensive) and buying a daybed instead? So it's more crib-like? I'm also willing to do new bedding again if it would help re-excite him. DH suggested getting Dylan to help disassemble the crib one day so that it's no longer an option, but I don't know if I like that idea as it seems almost like we're tricking him
Anyone else have a crib-lover?