Hi Laura,
Yes it's me! Great to see you're still around! As you can see, I'm back with DS2 - finally after a few years trying. Hope you and your LOs are doing well.
The paediatrician also said that he might be drinking a lot to sooth his throat. In France the Gaviscon for infants is actually the wallpaper paste type stuff that is sold for adults (anti-acid / anti-reflux) and seems to be helping. I actually just worked out a good way to give it to him after his feed, which is to put it into the end of the bottle teat and have him suck on it. Before he'd just gag on the stuff because it was too thick and he couldn't swallow it. So that's a bit of a step in the right direction.
This afternoon we tried a bottle of anti-regurgitation formula (the kind that's supposed to thicken up once it hits the stomach) and he threw that up just like regular milk. But I think that's because he gulped it down (yes, my bad - I should be controlling his intake better). You asked about his behaviour when feeding. I really do try my hardest to stop after every ounce to have a burp, but until we get at least 2/3 of the bottle down he just screams and wriggles about to have more while I'm trying to burp him. If he wriggles around too much it provokes more regurgitating, so it ends up being a bit of a vicious circle.
I'm a total novice in both the bottle feeding and reflux departments. How naive of me to think that DS2 would be just like his big brother! For the moment, I'm dropping back his bottles to 130ml instead of 150ml just to see how he gets on. For the moment there are no issues with him losing weight, so I'll see if the lesser amount affects his ability to sleep. Also, since he was growth spurting over the past couple days, I think he might be calming back down and I'll be able to get a better gauge on what he really needs (I hope).
Thanks a lot for your support and advice, Alison