Author Topic: Is it a growth spurt if he's not starving ALL the time?  (Read 1063 times)

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Offline AGILL

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Is it a growth spurt if he's not starving ALL the time?
« on: January 01, 2012, 15:17:34 pm »
Hi there,

I think my 7wo DS is going through a growth spurt, although he's not necessarily waking up screaming to feed every 2 hours, as the textbooks all seem to say. Sometimes he will wake up early from a nap and it's obvious he's hungry. The last couple of nights he woke twice starving in the night instead of his usual one time, but again it doesn't seem "textbook".

He drains his bottle at each feed, but that's pretty much standard for him. We are weaning from bf onto bottles and partial formula at the moment. In the past 4-5 days I've upped his intake from 7 x 125/130ml per day to 7 x 150 per day, and he's still draining the bottles (apart from the last one I gave him, where he only took 120ml).

Thanks for sharing your experiences/comments/advice!

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Re: Is it a growth spurt if he's not starving ALL the time?
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2012, 16:56:19 pm »
I am going to pop you over to the bottle feeding board, I think you will get a better advice there :)
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Offline *Kara*

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Re: Is it a growth spurt if he's not starving ALL the time?
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2012, 04:48:14 am »
Hi hun,

That sounds like a GS to me... My DD would eat more frequently during the day, but that would only last a day at most... then it was just the amount that she took was a bit more... and she would move from one to two nightfeeds and be frantic when she woke for them...

If he is draining the bottle, add an ounce (or two!).. .you always want him to stop because he is full, not because the bottle ran dry :)

