Hi I'm new to this site looking for some advice.
My DS is 7 days old, I formula fed from the start, I'm using the Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles, with Vari flow teats. The flow of milk depends on how hard they suck.
Well he started out only drinking a tiny amount 10mls but on day 2 and 3 he picked up and was drinking 4 oz every 4 hours. He has trouble latching on to the teat but once he has a grip on it he drinks in 10 minutes. Which I think is very quick.
The last couple of days he has been gulping lots of air I can hear it going down, and only taking 2oz every 2 hours. I switched back to the standard number 1 teat tonight and he didn't seem to gulp the air but he only took 1oz in about 40 mins before falling asleep.
Really don't know what to do, it's stressing me out.
It takes a while for him to get the teat in the right place to suck, does that sound normal?