Author Topic: How to do a dream feed?  (Read 1209 times)

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How to do a dream feed?
« on: January 02, 2012, 16:50:07 pm »

I can't find my BW book right now so I have a quick question! DH is going back to work on Wednesday and so will help less with the night feedings. I thought of introducing a DF around 10 before he goes to bed, it would help me get a longer stretch.  Currently, DS drinks around 7, goes to sleep around 8, and wakes around 11-12, 2-3, and 5-6.

How does a DF work? We pick him up while asleep, try to give him a bottle while asleep, burp him, and put him back to bed?


Offline Lolly

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Re: How to do a dream feed?
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2012, 17:17:04 pm »
How does a DF work? We pick him up while asleep, try to give him a bottle while asleep, burp him, and put him back to bed?

Basically yes! You shouldn't need to burp him though as they are so relaxed feeding while asleep that they take in less air (that's the theory anyway ;)). Try at 10, pick him up and just rub the teat on his lips to get him to open up for it. If he won't put him back for 20/30 mins and try again in a different part of his sleep cycle. It can take a week or so for them to get used to it so if the first few nights don't work keep it up for a while before you decide to carry on or not.

