Hello friends,
Asking for help again

We finally moved my daughter to a big girl bed and she's been doing so well! She hasn't gotten out in the middle of the night or anything! So she was in it for 6 nights , bedtime at 8 pm and waking up at 6:30 am. But the last two nights she's woken up at 4 am and I'm not sure how to stop it!
She usually takes an hour and a half to two hour nap. She goes down at 2 and sleeps til 3:30 or 4. I have no control over that since her nap is at daycare and all the girls there nap at the same time.
But I could ask her provider to cap the nap at one hour if you think that would help.
And I could put her to bed earlier but it's just hard because we get to see her less if we do that

Oh parenthood
