Author Topic: 1 year old son with chronic constipation  (Read 24806 times)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #45 on: January 13, 2012, 02:27:07 am »
For Kai osteo and chiropractic care helped alot but it is no cure for refulx or a damaged gut. It helps to settle the nervous system down and clear tension in the nervous system which should in turn allow digestion and the organs to work better.  The thing is though if there is stress on the body/gut/sphincters coming from other sources such as bacterial imbalance for example, then you need to fix that at the same time.  The osteo work is one important peice for healing but not the whole story.

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2012, 02:30:46 am »
He also specializes in dietary balance and stool testing. So I think I found someone that handles alot of what I need. I will know more after our consult on Monday. :)


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2012, 02:46:23 am »
He also specializes in dietary balance and stool testing. So I think I found someone that handles alot of what I need. I will know more after our consult on Monday. :)

Great news! Looking forward to the update :)


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2012, 02:54:37 am »
He's turned very pickey these last few weeks. There's a reason why they suggest a certain amount per day isn't there?

Missed this post.. the sudden picky eater is also a sign of gut imbalances... the "bad" bacterias tend to make the body crave starches & sugars, so many kids with gut imbalances start to limit their diet to show preference to those foods, kwim?  

If you're really concerned about nutrients though, I would seriously look into juicing.  Get a good quality juicer (the Omega line is amazing, but even something like the Jack LaLanne would do) If you're on a budget, look for one on Craigslist or other online classifieds. You can juice for your Ds - greens, broccoli, carrots, beets, celery ect and be sure to add some tasty fruits like apples, oranges ect.  The sweeter fruits mask the healthy, therapeutic veggies. One full cup of fresh pressed juice can give him all his vits/nutrients for the day (incl Calcium) :D  My Ds1 *loves* his juice.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 02:57:03 am by tigerlilly905 »

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #49 on: January 13, 2012, 13:59:43 pm »
I totally agree about juicing. The gaps book suggests to use 1/2 good tasting stuff (such as fruit) and 1/2 nutrient rich stuff (such as vegetables). This might make it easier to get him to take it. If he won't take it 1/2 and 1/2, you could start with a higher ratio of tasty stuff and gradually reduce it.

Sounds like you have found a really great doctor. I hope he's as good as he sounds! I wish I had one that great!


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #50 on: January 13, 2012, 14:33:43 pm »
I  gave him about a tbsp of the almond milk and he seems fine. Is it safe to say he's not allergic?  :)

Probably not (at least not something that will lead to an anaphylactic reaction) but like Eloise said, if it is an intolerance it wouldn't show up right away. 

I don't know of he has a well rounded enough diet. He's turned very pickey these last few weeks. There's a reason why they suggest a certain amount per day isn't there?

I always thought it was for  the calcium and the fats? 


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #51 on: January 13, 2012, 18:04:47 pm »
Quote from: mjohnson33 on Yesterday at 09:20:32 PMI don't know of he has a well rounded enough diet. He's turned very pickey these last few weeks. There's a reason why they suggest a certain amount per day isn't there?I always thought it was for  the calcium and the fats?

Yes, but if your consuming the calcium and fats from other rich sources you don't need it from any type of "milk". Conventional milk is overrated IMO. Greens, broccoli, (juiced) homemade bone broth ect for calcium. Fats I would suggest lots of coconut oil, healthy animal fats, eggs, olive oil, fermented cod liver oil, ect. :D

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2012, 18:06:28 pm »
Thanks so much!!!
Where can I get coconut oil from?


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2012, 18:13:00 pm »
Ohh... my fave!! ;D My favourite brand is Nutiva. It's the best quality and organic.  If you have a Whole Foods around you they should have it.  You can always order it on Amazon though :)  Coconut oil has amazing healing qualities and is 50% lauric acid. Lauric acid is the same healing compound found in breastmilk!!! :) Coconut is the only known food in the world that contains it! :) I'll be back with more info if you would like

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2012, 19:31:21 pm »
My favourite brand is Nutiva

That's my fav too!

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #55 on: January 13, 2012, 20:54:01 pm »
Ok, how much should I give him?


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2012, 00:42:08 am »
I would start with only a little bit, say 1/4 tsp, then slowly increase.  My Ds1 now eats it right off the spoon (usually a tsp at a time) An online friend of mine has a blog and she did a post about coconut oil the other day, you'll probably be able to get a lot of info from here:  You can also cook liberally with it, use it in baking anywhere you would use butter or even blend it in a smoothie for him. :)

If you're interested, Dr. Mercola always has lots of great info. Here's one of his vids about coconut oil: Is Coconut Oil REALLY Healthy?

We talk a lot about this kind of stuff in the Organic Mama's Thread, here's the link if you'd like to join us:

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2012, 21:29:00 pm »
So the appointment yesterday was pretty good.  Basically DS was all outta whack from birth and stuff.  He could tell just by looking at him, he didn’t even have to touch him.  He looked at his ears and they were different(uneven) on either side.  He deals with a lot of cranial therapy, it’s a long story…but all the bones in your head are connected with nerves and those nerves send messages to your organs and b/c his were out it wasn’t sending the correct message to his colon/intestines….his left side wasn’t as bad as his right and then when he felt his belly it was the same way b/c the right side was all twisted (for lack of a better word) and couldn’t properly get the word to push the poop out.  So he gently massaged the areas by his ears to fix it.  Then he rolled his hips and said they were really bad too.  He also massaged his belly and said things should start moving fairly soon and he could feel a ton of gas in there.  He also felt in his mouth and the bones in his mouth were really uneven too.  So he put all these things back in place for us.  He also said it should only take 2-3 visits and he should be good.  If for some strange reason it doesn’t work then we will do more extensive testing for intolerances and stools but he really feels that wont be necessary.  He also suspects he could have a sensitivity to gluten and it just didn’t show up on the blood work.  So I am going to eliminate it all from his diet and see what happens.  He also suggested a probiotic called Theralac that is supposed to be very effective for children. 
He said after we left he should have a blowout 2-3 hours later...well we never had a blowout but he did have a good full diaper 3 hours after the appointment.  He wants me to stop all the medication I am giving him but I dont feel comfortable doing that until I know for sure what he is doing is working. 

Today I would suspect his colon would be working good but he has only went a small amount so far....kinda discouraging.  :( 

Any thoughts on this??


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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2012, 23:58:26 pm »
It sounds like things went really well, I think. He sounds like he's pretty on the ball.

If there's one thing I'm learning about natural healing, is that it can be a slow process for the body to heal. Don't be discouraged. I would give it a good go. I find it's usually 2 steps forward, one step back. I think the fact that you got a big poop a few hrs after the appt is great progress. When did he say to return for a follow up?

I personally believe a lot of people have a gluten intolerance and don't even realize it (I was one of them), so omiting gluten is probably a good call.

I'm not familiar with Theralac, but I'll google it :)

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Re: 1 year old son with chronic constipation
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2012, 00:34:17 am »
Thanks tigerlilly, I hope things start moving. The theralac is like the miracle probiotic apparently. ;-) sounds like that could be a huge help in itself. He said he would like to see him again Friday. So I guess I will try and get an appointment.

Today he hasn't gone but one good time this evening.  But is suspect on the probiotic he will start going in a few days.

In regards to the gluten its hard to know if gluten is in stuff. Is it the same as wheat?