Author Topic: How much food to feed a 7month old?  (Read 1971 times)

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Offline Lucien11

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How much food to feed a 7month old?
« on: January 11, 2012, 10:08:33 am »
I am trying to work out how much solids to give my LO.  Gosh I wish they could talk!  Some people say keep feeding until they stop opening their mouths.  Well my LO keeps going and going.  I have been feeding him 2 tablespoons three times a day for a month.  The past two days I've had a crying, whingey, irritable baby which has only subsided when given food (he wouldn't take more bottle).  This has meant he had two lunches one day (at separate times) and two dinners another day.  Today I decided to feed him until he was clearly full. The sign for this was him losing interest or tummy pain.  He was much happy, playing on his own with lots of smiles and squeals. 

This is how today went
6:15a.m. Bottle - 210ml
7:00a.m. Breakfast - approx 2tablespoons
10:15 a.m. Bottle - 210 ml
12:00 Lunch - approx 3-4 tablespoons 
3:00 Bottle - 100ml ONLY
4:30 Dinner - approx 3-4 tablespoons
6:30 Bottle - lots of coaxing for him to drink 100mL

I'm concerned he's not having enough fluids at the end of the day and will wake at night hungry.  We currently winding down the dream feed offering 40ml at present.  Do you think I am feeding too much?

Offline petram

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Re: How much food to feed a 7month old?
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2012, 14:29:53 pm »
My lo is 7.5months and weighs just short of 9kg. Im no expert but its good to know what other people do.

Could it be a GS? (not sure if they get one around this age???)

I have dropped the df as of 3 weeks ago and he wakes up hungry so he has a big b/fast of 5oz (150mls) of milk and cereal (ready brek or a whole wheat biscuit)

This is our routine, its very similar to yours:
7am milk and cereal
10ish 6oz milk (180mls)
12noon lunch-today half piece bread with quarter of banana spread on (finger food so not sure how much he actually eats) and yoghurt (ate it all)
2.30ish 6oz milk
5ish dinner-toady will be butternut squash soup, usally no dessert as he has a good size portion but today we have strawberries and cream so he will no doubt feed himself a strawberry or 2!
7ish 8oz milk (240mls) (may only have 6oz)

When your lo is hungry after his 1st meal have you tried giving him an extra milk feed instead of extra solids?

I think you should aim for a minimum of 20oz per 24hrs (someone correct me if im wrong), my lo takes around 22-25per day so towards the low side, but i do add milk to a lot of his food eg in soup, with pasta sauces, or even if his meal looks a bit dry i add abit, or if it needs cooling quickly theres usually a feed made up in the fridge so i just put a bit in, you could try doing that if you want to increase his milk intake.

Babies don't over eat do they? So if your lo is eating an extra meal he obviously needs it so i would feed him, but i would try offering him extra milk first tho.

As i said im not an expert but i hope that helps x

Offline Hserry

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Re: How much food to feed a 7month old?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 12:12:55 pm »
I would appreciate more advice on that front as well. My LO is almost 7.5 months and she used to sleep around 9 hours straight and now she started waking up those last couple of days. I think she is hungry bec last night she woke up twice, first time I gave her some herbal drink which she gulped down and then slept for three hours and then woke up again. Second time around I gave her a full bottle of milk after which she slept.

She is on a four hour easy, am is bottle only around 180 ml four hour later veggies, four hours later fruits, and four hours later bottle 180 ml and then bed. She doesn't have solids w her bottles and milk is therefore her main meal.

Now that she started waking up at night I m starting to sense she s not getting enough to eat during the day and that milk alone isn't enough.

Offline trailqueen

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Re: How much food to feed a 7month old?
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 02:12:01 am »
My little guy is seven months old and weights about 19.5 lbs.
His food is like this:
8Am - 5tbs cereal and fruit with water.
9:30 - 7 oz formula (210)
12:30 - 5-6 tbs cereal with veggies and water
2PM - 7 oz (210) formula
5PM  - 4 oz (120ml) formula
7PM - dinner 5-6 tbs cooked real food oat bran in butter and whole milk
8PM - 210 milk
use to wake up at 4AM now at 1Am or 2AM and h

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Re: How much food to feed a 7month old?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2012, 03:01:28 am »
Hserry - Your lo is only getting about 12 ounces of milk during the day? (360 ml).  That is not enough milk and likely why you are having the night wakings.  You want to aim for a bottle with solids about an hour later.  At this age there should still be 4 daytime bottles.

Here are some routines with solids and milk:

And this one about how much milk they should have:

Remember, milk is most important until age 1.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months