do you think that's what it might be?
Last night was as bad as the one before - he went off to sleep at 7.15 no problem at all, but then woke about 10.30, midnight (when i fed him), 2.30, 3.30, 4.30 (fed again), 6.45, 7.45 and i then fed him at 8am.
We've been on a rough 4 hour EASY, where basically he eats at 8am, is awake for about 2 hours then sleeps anywhere between 45 mins and 2 hours. eats again at 12. Afternoon schedule varies massively depending on how long the morning nap was as he only lasts 2 hours max between sleeps. This does mean by the end of the afternoon it's usually all gone a bit wrong and he ends up being tired and hungry at the same time! Bed is about 7 after a bath.
Re the shh patting, yesterday the naps were great - went upstairs for our wind down and he went off to sleep without any patting at all which was amazing. he did a little cry to start with but from reading on here i think this is just his mantra cry.
today i'm trying feeding every 3.5 hours as maybe we moved to 4 hours too soon and he's not getting enough food in the day? He never feeds for long regardless of how hungry i think he is - 5 or 10 mins at the most, but it's always been like this and he's putting on weight ok so must just be efficient.
Thanks for your help with this!