Hello my is Leah and I'm new to this forum...what a great site
My LO is 6.5 months and is generally an angel/textbook baby (although we have been calling her the "dark angel" after this week haha). Usually, she sleeps well and used to be able to put herself to sleep/back to sleep or it would only take us a few minutes to sh/pat her. We started solids three weeks ago and she did really well.
A few things:
1.This past week she has been more difficult to put down (especially at night... sometimes 45 min-hour with shh/pat and pu/pd).
2.Her morning naps are great still, but her afternoon naps are about 45 minutes and sometimes she wakes up happy and alert and other times upset and tired. I have tried to put her back down with sh/pat/pu/pd but we haven't been able to do so.
3. She has been waking up consistently for 2 hours(ish) during the night (eg- 11:30-1:30 or last night was 2:45-5:00am) and is not screaming, but is not settling back down to sleep easily. She calms down when we pick her up and even when she gets put back in her crib, but eventually works herself back up from a mantra cry to a real one.
4. She often wakes up about 1-2 hrs after she is put down at night
Here is her EASY:
E- 7:00am wake up and bf (although it's been about 6:30 this week)
E- 8:00 solids (1tsp cereal)
S- 9-11 (1.5-2 hr)
E-11 bf
E-12:15 ish-solids (1tsp cereal)
S- 1:00-2:00 at the latest lately
E-3:00 bf
E-solids usually 5 (1 tsp cereal), but she's been so tired from waking up at 2 that we've pushed it back to 4:30 so she can have a CN earlier
S- usually between 5-6 she CN for 1/2hr-40min but lately we've been putting her down earlier...about 4:45 or 5.
E-7:00 bf and bottle...although she is drinking less these days.
A-night time routine-bath or book, change, snuggle (she generally doesn't really like the night time routine bc i think she knows that she has to go to sleep shortly after....)
S-7:30 (takes at least 1/2 hr to put down lately)
-then sometimes she wakes up an hour or two after bedtime
-dream feed is at about 10, but she hasn't been eating very much (only a couple oz).
A few other things: she had a fever last week so her schedule was a bit thrown off...don't know if it's possibly teething? Can't see anything in there yet:) So I was feeding her a bit more to get some fluids in her when she would wake up in the night...
Anyways, any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Especially some suggestions with the 2 hr night wakings.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and look forward to hearing back!ox