Thanks ladies. We had his 18 month pedi appointment this morning. He is 21.4 lbs. so the 3rd percentile. Good thing he had a growth spurt so he is at 31.25 inches- 25%. So he is growing.
Food yeah we seem to be stuck on what he will eat- and not the healthiest either. He eats whole grain blueberry waffles, french toast, eggs, toast, mac n cheese, pasta with any sauce, grilled cheese, quesadilla, apples, yogurt, cherrios- we do the multi grain ones, gold fish, cheese, bologna, hot dogs, pizza, ritz crackers, blueberries, will suck the juice on oranges, peas. Umm I think thats about it. He isnt a fan of meat. So my plan so to speak right now is I am going to write out a meal,snack, milk schedule. I think doing like 4oz with breakfast and lunch, then around 3 oz with each snack, then around 6 oz for dinner/bedtime. That will lower him to 20 oz a day. Pedi agrees that if we reduce the milk he will eat more. But he had no problems with the amount he is currently drinking. DS also cut another tooth, so we have 1 more to cut and we are done until his 2 year molars, so hoping that will help food too.