I am about to transition my DD from a 3hr to 4 hr routine and have been reviewing the suggested routines in Tracy's book, 'The Baby Whisper Solves All Your Problems', pg 34 & 230. I have since discovered that I have not been implementing a cat nap and instead have been treating the 4-7pm slot like any other 3 hour session, i.e. E-4pm, A-4.30pm, S-5.30pm (1.5hr) and then E-7pm. That was the plan anyway, although my DD is not the most consistent!
Another issue I have had which I think is linked, is that I have never been able to understand how it was possible to fit in a feed, change, bath and bedtime routine into half an hour, i.e. from 7-7.30pm, and so invariably DD only goes down to sleep at 7.45 or 8pm.
Anyway I would appreciate any suggestions on how you would structure the the 3-7.30pm slot in the 4hr routine, specifically how you incorporate the cat nap?! i.e do you have an activity on either side of the cat nap or do you feed straight after the cat nap? is the awake time not too much for them, if they only have a 45 min nap in a 4-4.5hr period? Is the cat nap like other naps, or more informal, i.e. do you have wind down routine and put DD in her cot or just let her nap on her play mat? Do you start feeding before 7 in order to fit in the feed, change, bath and settle them by 7.30?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks!