I remember taking a list to my doctor with the amount of food my daughter would eat in one day and asking him if it was normal. She would eat TONS of food. He kind of laughed at me and just reminded me that they do stop when they are done (as long as we watch for the signs). Hamish sounds like her!
The fritter were a huge hit with C last night. He scarfed down his, finished some of mine, and eat my daughters (she wasn't keen). He loved them dipped in apple sauce. Maybe as a result, he had a great night of sleep.
The gagging isn't vomiting - it's just like "oops, too much too big out out!" I"ll try wider toast to see how it is.
I did do a lot of cooking today for him: chicken meatballs (baking them was super easy on a cookie sheet), spaghetti sauce, and some oatmeal. It is good to do a bunch at once, Katy.
Adventures in dining! It is so rewarding that he can feed himself a whole meal. It means tonight I actually got to enjoy my own soup HOT instead of spooning in mush to his sweet little mouth.