Author Topic: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10  (Read 67469 times)

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2012, 09:07:09 am »
I didn't give baby cereal at all- i gave meat fairly early on in the form of meatballs (easy to pack full of vegies) and Hamish now has weetbix every day that is fortified like lots of breakfast cereals out here with iron. I guess one thing that i thought about is that if you wait till 6 months they don't need bland flavours, so adding it to other things is probably more interesting... (not that i've actually tasted it... it could be really tasty!)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2012, 11:29:29 am »
Just had to upload this pic of Sofia and "her" spoon. She loves yoghurt and is enjoying feeding it to herself, I just load it up and off she goes...!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2012, 11:34:25 am »
YAY!! Hamish loves yoghurt too- LOVES IT! She looks soo chilled!

Beckygatt- Were you asking about foods causing gas? Here's something on it:

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:10:55 pm by amayzie »
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2012, 19:58:37 pm »
Thanks Katy! Will check it out when I'm on my computer

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2012, 00:20:41 am »
Welcome aboard Ali
I did pure BLW- it starts slow at first
I did pure BLW (my version ;) ) and there was nothing slow about it at all.  I was shocked and exhausted by having to provide three meals a day from basically day 1.

By 'my version' I mean, I didn't read the book, but did read a few things on websites, I also read the standard UK guides for traditional weaning that says to offer finger food from 6 months so I just thought what's the point in puree lets go straight to real food.  I didn't give him a regular adult meal to begin with though, instead I made baby friendly meals and I ate those with him.  Limiting to one or two food types in each meal really helped to not overwhelm (think Tracy's HELP - Limit) and when the meals developed I always cooked with him in mind, left big chunks in stew, no salt, that sort of thing.

I didn't start with cereal, we started because I had been either starving myself or eating in secret for about a month because the sight of me eating made DS cry.  Eventually I was in a tight squeeze at 5.5 months when in quick succession he had a meltdown because I dared to eat lunch (he had JUST had his bottle and had not drained it so he was 'full') and to stop the melt down I really had to offer food, a piece of melon that I held, he put his mouth to it (I did not put to his mouth, that was the difference), and another day after a very long time at the hospital when DS had eaten but my mum and I hadn't and were ravenous, we stopped for a pub lunch.  I tried to fob DS off with a piece of raw cabbage thinking he would feel included but knowing he wouldn't be able to eat it, but he started really fussing, a LOT. Public place, never took a paci, had already had his milk...ended up sucking on garlic bread.  I was still trying to keep food away from him at this point.  Then few days later we had a lunch appointment with Nana and an aunt, I knew there would be problems, didn't want to be stuck with only salty cafe food to offer so baked some potato wedges and apple wedges.
He ate them all, then fed himself quarter spoon of icecream on a loaded spoon.
After that he asked for food constantly and we were on three meals.

For a couple of weeks I did give porridge or readybrek on loaded spoons, he was great with it but eventually he rejected the spoon and instead I made it thick and just dolloped a mountain of the stuff in front of him but after a while he wouldn't eat mush with his hands - too messy.
I now make muesli balls with baby muesli (it's from 10 months but I started at about 7 months) and just a splash of milk, rolled into mouth size balls so he can eat as finger food.  You can also make these with baby porridge (I do for a change around).  Just experiment with the amount of milk, it's a really small amount, leave to stand a couple mins to thicken then roll into balls.  I really like that the baby cereal has such a mix of grains and added goodies in it, which I don't think any other cereal offers.

There are also muffins and cookies you can make with baby muesli to turn it into finger food.
But, you might be surprised by him using a spoon at 6 months, dS was great for a good while before he rejected it.  The rejection was because the food wasn't getting in his belly fast enough.  I'm sure many other babies have more patience!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2012, 04:51:38 am »
Hi Ladies

Been meaning to rejoin this thread. I've gone back and forth on BLW, purees, combo, etc and still don't really know what we're going to do. DS is a big baby and seems pretty hungry so I thought purees might be the way to go, but they kind of stress me out and I end up feeling like I'm force-feeding, which is really no fun at all. So... would you be so kind as to hold my hand in BLW?

I've tried giving him half a banana and he was really excited to pick it up and suck on it. But, eventually he gets a chunk off (has two bottom teeth) and then breaks the half in half. At this point, the pieces are too small for him to pick up and get back to his mouth. Any suggestions? Is the banana I'm feeding him too ripe?

Katy - I noticed you mentioned avocado was one of your first foods. How did you prepare/cut it? I've given mashed avocado and he does seem to like it. I thought about spreading some on a piece of toast. What are Wheetbix, like shredded wheat?

I'm thinking of trying carrot sticks and apple slices this week. How long do I steam them for? Do you leave the skin on the apples?

He's off any solids right now as he's sick, but I think I'm going to give BLW a more wholehearted effort once he's better. Thanks for indulging all my questions!

Offline amayzie

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2012, 06:44:58 am »,1299462375,1/stock-photo-iconic-australian-breakfast-cereal-weet-bix-served-in-a-bowl-72784492.jpg Probably like shredded wheat... i put some milk on them so they are pretty soggy and then he eats it with his hands. I only give him one and some fruit and some yoghurt for breakfast- but i;m sure he'd eat 2 if i let him!!

I either cut it into wedges- he kind of squished it up... or mashed it into some cooked brown rice- he likeed that (He doesn't now... too sophisticated to scoop up rice with his hands i think!) these days i'll spread it onto toast. I waited till 7 months or so for wheat... no real reason... i guess wheat is such a HUGE part of our diet i sort of thought another month or so without it would be good!

I would take the skin off the apples... but i leave the skin on a lot of other softer fruits- like watermelon, kiwifruit, peaches... it helps him to hold them..

I find bananna is tricky.. you could cut it in half for him and roll it in something like rice cereal as creations suggests... or other grainy stuff? or you could offer it to him with some skin on it... Like this! I can't believe i found a picture of it!!

Oh- and mum discovered today that you have to keep your lunch well away from hamish unless he's actively eating!! He thinks it's ALL HIS!! BEtter go and feed his majesty!! toast and avocado tonight!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2012, 06:50:36 am »
Welcome (back) Katie!

Is your LO frustrated by the banana breaking? You could try a slightly less ripe one (just be aware the less ripe, the more likely to cause constipation, if that's an issue for him)...or just let him push it around and practise his pincer grip and general co-ordination :)  My LO's pincer grip improved amazingly fast - like within a week of starting BLW, she could pick up things that were definitely too difficult for her the week before. Banana is tricky at the start because it's so slippery, but it won't be long before he's a pro! Remember, it doesn't really matter how much he actually eats at this early stage, it's all learning.

Re carrot sticks and apple - you want to steam them until they just hold their shape when picked up (ie, they don't fall apart), but you can mush them against the roof of your mouth. Just trial and error as to how long that takes I suppose! I would do a small bowl full of carrot sticks in the microwave for 2 minutes and then test to see if they're done. You can leave the skin on the apple if you want, it generally makes it easier to pick up and your LO will probably be able to gnaw all the apple off it. Mine was always great at spitting the skin out if she took a bite of it - but it is something to watch for. Same for avocado, actually - if you cut a slice with the skin on, it's much less slippery and LO will soon figure out which bit to go for. My LO also loves avocado on toast - wish we could get it here!

And weetbix are a sort of biscuit/cake made from compressed wheat flakes - you generally eat them softened with milk.

Posted at the same time as Katy


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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2012, 08:43:41 am »
Also- if you didn't look over my posts- make sure if in doubt that you check the roof of their mouth if you are missing a skin- Hamish had a slice of kiwi fruit and the whole thing went in- i watched him as it worried me a bit... but then he was fine- only 15 minutes later after playing for a while i found it in his mouth!! It was all fine- but i count the skins now! (ANd i offer him larger pieces of kiwifruit...)
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #54 on: February 01, 2012, 08:47:08 am »
F had a piece of soapnut (for washing clothes!) in her mouth for about 20 mins once, just mulling over it...

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2012, 16:42:45 pm »
Thanks for the ideas.

I went to baby clinic today to get Colby weighed (17lb 13oz little chunker) and discussed starting solids with the HV. They gave me a leaflet on BLW and said that is actually the official way they recommend weaning to solids now for babies 6mo+. So that's interesting. I remember with Cadan when I started it (we did a mixture of purees/ cereals and finger foods in the end) they didn't really know about it. She said they only recommend purees/spoon feeding if people start early closer to 4mo.

We have weetabix here too with milk made into a porridge consistency but I find with Cadan it often comes out the other end looking much the same as it went in which is pretty gross in a nappy. Urgh!

I'm really excited to start now.  ;D
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2012, 17:15:14 pm »
They gave me a leaflet on BLW and said that is actually the official way they recommend weaning to solids now for babies 6mo+.
This is very interesting Ali as my HV was against BLW and told me to go on a weaning course.  I didn't much see the point but thought I'd go as it was a bit of a trip out with DS (all the kids played and there was creche staff in the room with us to mind them).  It was an 'official' trainer who basically just read us enlarged versions of the leaflets we had already been given (as though we couldn't read - maybe it was intended for the illiterate?), but prior to beginning reading she gave us a lecture on the dangers of BLW and told us it is dangerous, mustn't be done, it involves leaving LOs unattended to choke of great big lumps of food and giving pasta without sauce. Hmmm...something tells me she was a little ignorant to what BLW is.
I didn't exactly hold my tongue but I tried to be polite and respectful to her position as a paid professional.
Later on she described how to prepare finger foods, carrots sticks the size of an adult finger and told us to introduce these at 6 months.  I raised my hand and asked her what the difference was between a puree route steamed carrot baton and a BLW route steamed carrot baton.  She was slightly stuck for an answer, but then repeated that with BLW mothers just leave their children to choke whilst the mother goes off to do something else in another room.
Another mother there was unable to get her child to eat anything but skips and had come desperately looking for advice.  She was told to just feed the child skips :(

OK I won't go on, rant over, the whole story is somewhere on the threads.  Just shocking.
But I am SO pleased to hear that not all areas are so against BLW and some are clearly encouraging it.

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #57 on: February 01, 2012, 19:00:21 pm »
Hi ladies.  Would someone be willing to share some good high calorie meal and snack ideas.  My lo is 9 months old and she is a pretty good eater.  Just getting stuck in a rut of pasta and chicken.  Thanks!!
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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #58 on: February 01, 2012, 19:22:21 pm »
It certainly wasn't the norm to do blw when I weaned cadan 18 months ago so I think it is a recent change. That is very ignorant of the trainer to assume blw mums leave their kids unattended to choke. That is just common sense.

Avocado and dairy are high calorie foods.
Cadan Dec 2009 and Colby Aug 2011

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Re: Baby Led Weaning Support Thread - Part 10
« Reply #59 on: February 01, 2012, 19:41:47 pm »
Thanks for all the tips, ladies!  I appreciate your support.

Katy - I had thought about the wheat thing too, I guess because it's in so much of what we eat as well and there does seem to be a lot of sensitivity to it these days.  But, we have no allergies in our family, so I'll give it a try in the next couple weeks.

Is your LO frustrated by the banana breaking?
Nuala - No he really wasn't frustrated, I guess, just couldn't figure out how to get it back to his mouth and ended up bending over to try to just gum it on the tray. :D  I just felt bad that he seemed to want more, but couldn't get it; and then I thought if he did get it, the piece would be a little smallish at that point and was worried he might put the whole thing in his mouth.

Well, I gave him a slice of apple today from DD's lunch (it was raw, not softened at all), but he was so happy to just hold it and sit and gum it and even took tiny pieces out with his teeth.  So, I think this is defintiely the way to go for us.  Will steam the carrots and some apple in the next day or so and also try the banana and avocado rolled in some of the rice cereal.

Ali - Fun to have you here.  Shall we start this together?

Avocado and dairy are high calorie foods.
Yep!  My DD started with finger foods (pincer-size) at 8 mo, as she didn't care for any puree I tried, so I was really keen on getting her high calorie foods as she was a mover and had started to drop on the charts (totally normal, but I was a bit obsessed ::)).  So, I gave her lots of avocado chunks, full-fat cream cheese on toast, eggs, full-fat yogurt, full-fat cottage cheese, etc.