Hello, my DS is 6 mo and has been on solids for a month now, on 3 meals a day for the last 2 weeks. I started him at 5 mo because he was really ready to eat and he took to it straight away. He is a great eater and seems to like everything he's tried.
However, he's been doing much more spitting up over the last week. He is EBF, on 4 hourly feeds and takes about 1-2oz of puree fruit/veg/cereal 3 times daily, about an hour after a BF. Occasionally he will stop eating before he's eaten the whole lot but usually he finishes it all off. I've just started to give him some finger foods also, but the amount that ends up in his mouth is absolutely minimal. He hasn't ever vomited up any food, just milk. He doesnt seem to be in any discomfort. A similar thing happened back when he was about 6 weeks old and I was misreading his cues and overfeeding him and he was spitting up loads.
Should I reduce the amount of solid food or increase the intervals between BF and solids? Or could it be something else?