Thanks all!
Finn will not drink smoothies at all...I've been trying since he was a wee chap. Sadly, he says they are 'yukky' - a lot of stuff is yukky these days. It's that picky phase so we are lucky to get what we get.
On school days he is up at 6:45 and has to be out the door by no later than 8 to be dropped off so DH can catch his train easily. So there is time really, but just getting him to take that time to eat is the problem. He only wants to play when he gets up. He actually wakes a lot earlier though but we make him stay in his room (with the Groclock) so that DH can get up, get himself coordinated, get the tea he so desperately needs...we could push his come out of his room time to 6:30 I suppose, but I tend to find that the more time you give him...the later you end up IYSWIM. He finds a way to destroy time.
On weekends, we usually eat closer to 8 or 9 really. He's just not hungry, never asks for food first thing. So I will make us eggs or pancakes or we'll do our yogurt with fruit and toast. And then he's not hungry for lunch so we'll do lunch after his nap sometimes and then a lot of the time he doesn't want dinner because he's eaten so late in the day for lunch.
School is less than 10 mins in the car so not long to eat't your car become a tip from all the eating in the car lol? He does like cereal bars (healthy ones), muffins and bread stuffs...anything carbs goes down a treat.
Kirry it's horrible to say but his mood is more the school's issue than mine lol But yeah, he can be pretty sensitive once his blood sugar drops really low. Usually when he's asking for food it's already too low and we've got to hustle.