Oops missed this updates.
So yeah, on the car thing, nope don't agree lol I hate cleaning a car and I hate crumbs everywhere. But that's interesting, I could put a cover down and then wash it every so often. But really, there's no time for him to eat on the way. It's not that far.
So apparently he figured it out easily, the cause and effect. He eats b-fast with DH every morning now. DH still does drop off and I do pick up although this week I'm away he's doing both. Unfortunately this means a longer day for F and he's exhausted. So he's hungry but struggles to eat dinner lol So it's sandwiches for dinner this week. But that means he's hungry for breakfast. Win/win!
Thanks for the recipes, I like the idea of making my own stuff. I'm not a fan of cereal bars, for the sugar and colouring, but in a pinch I have used them. I buy the gluten-free organic kind...so halfway to better. Eggs he likes but hard boiled he pokes at now...he used to wind them down, but since his texture issues kicked in, nope. He plays with them, building and rebuilding towers with the hard yoke lol
The thing is though, he's a good eater, always has been since around 12 mths of age. Before that with reflux was a mess, but lo and behold he cottoned on to the eating thing really well and honestly, he eats two helpings of stuff at school and they marvel at how well he eats. It's the one thing we got...don't got sleep, don't got go with the flow kid, but we got eating lol for the most part. Yes he still has his picky days and moments, but when he's hungry he eats pretty much what you give him.