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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2012, 20:30:30 pm »
Here you go:

No added sugar, freeze really well, defrost either at room temperature or in the microwave.  They are soft so they don't crumble easily and make too much mess.
Here's my blog which is focussed on simple food for babies, toddlers and families

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2012, 21:33:00 pm »
In the same vein as cereal bars (but with a lot more nutrition) are meal replacement or snack bars, like Atkins or Special K bars.  Often you will find them in the diet section of the grocery store.  They are not marketed towards children.

I give my 4 year old a chocolate peanut butter crunch Atkins bar a couple times a week.  It has 150 calories (there are also larger ones with more calories), but 10g of protein and only 1g of sugar (13g total carbs, which let's face it, is sugar).  Even so, that is less sugar and more protein than yogurt.

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2012, 22:14:01 pm »
TBH I don't necessarily think Atkins or the like are good for kids (or anyone) except once in a while. Highly processed, often HFCS, sugar alcohols, etc. Better are Larabars!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #18 on: January 20, 2012, 00:45:16 am »
I'd probably try to sneak some protein in. That way even if he doesn't eat much, it's more likely to see him thru til snack.  Peanut butter on toast or even slathered on a cereal bar.  Hard boiled eggs are easy to have on hand, if he'll eat them.

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2012, 14:26:45 pm »
He does like cereal bars (healthy ones), muffins and bread stuffs...anything carbs goes down a treat
I'd try carbsy breakfast at home rather than the shreddies.  The change might get him motivated to eat.
There are recipes on the boards (finger foods and BLW recipes I think) for sugar free no bad stuff oaty bars/cereal bars, no sugar american pancakes and no sugar muffins too (the only sugar comes from fruit, you can also make them the pancakes and muffins with veg instead of fruit eg sweet potato or carrot muffins, similar to carrot cake but without the bad stuff and they are still SO yummy).
All can be made in batches and keep well, as lemothyme said the pancakes freeze well, just lift out the night before, the oaty bars freeze well too.  the muffins I don't think freeze so well but will keep several days in a tin.  The recipes are adaptable for flavour variety and are REALLY easy to make and the great thing is you can make in advance so don't have to use up time in the morning.

If you want the recipes and can't find them on the boards give me a shout and I'll hunt them down.

Offline Mashi

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2012, 16:03:00 pm »
If he won't eat, then he really has to learn consequences.  Fine on the weekends, but this is how life is.  The world will not move around you.  If you don't abide by the law of cause and effect, you will have consequences.  Don't eat = hungry.

While I agree with this in theory I am surprised at how long it is taking with my DS. And I think you have to be prepared for a LOT of time for him to make the connection and realise it and THEN to actually start doing something about it.  It's been since August that I have been picking my DS up at 2pm in tears, sobbing his eyes out because he is hungry, clutching his tummy because it hurts from having not eaten his lunch.  So that's close to 6 months.  And yet again today when I said "did you even TASTE it?" he said no.  And cried and cried because he was so hungry his tummy hurt.   And he can even say to me that he has a sore tummy because he did not eat his lunch, but after 6 months of that, it is still not enough to get him to eat his lunch.   I just don't think that at this age they can really make themselves do something they don't want to do out of an anticipated consequence a couple of hours down the road.

I also agree with Martina and can't see them not feeding kids that age when they are hungry.  If he is there at 8am, even if he ate a big breakfast at 730am, I would expect him to be hungry at 930/10:00.  And so they do 3 hours, that means no one gets a snack before 11am? Most adults can't wait until 11am before their morning snack.  Not sure how they can expect them to wait until 11...and then what time is lunch? ???

I also think that things like dirty cars are part of life with a kid!! Put a blanket down on the seat under his car seat, a mat on the floor where his feet are and get a dustbuster. Make sure Saturday mornings it gets cleaned out! And cereal bars are not the greatest, sure, but as one option for one or two of his days per week for instance it is not bad.  You could have a few different things for different days

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2012, 16:48:28 pm »
Mashi - our kids must be linked!!!! My DS would go hungry even though he ends up with low blood sugar and a screaming fit - rather than eating (or even trying) something he doesn't want. No amount of time seems to help change that so far.

Agree on the dirty cars as well, LOL!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Tweakster

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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2012, 18:01:13 pm »
Oops missed this updates.

So yeah, on the car thing, nope don't agree lol  I hate cleaning a car and I hate crumbs everywhere.  But that's interesting, I could put a cover down and then wash it every so often.  But really, there's no time for him to eat on the way.  It's not that far.

So apparently he figured it out easily, the cause and effect.  He eats b-fast with DH every morning now.  DH still does drop off and I do pick up although this week I'm away he's doing both.  Unfortunately this means a longer day for F and he's exhausted.  So he's hungry but struggles to eat dinner lol  So it's sandwiches for dinner this week.  But that means he's hungry for breakfast.  Win/win!

Thanks for the recipes, I like the idea of making my own stuff.  I'm not a fan of cereal bars, for the sugar and colouring, but in a pinch I have used them.  I buy the gluten-free organic halfway to better.  Eggs he likes but hard boiled he pokes at now...he used to wind them down, but since his texture issues kicked in, nope.  He plays with them, building and rebuilding towers with the hard yoke lol

The thing is though, he's a good eater, always has been since around 12 mths of age.  Before that with reflux was a mess, but lo and behold he cottoned on to the eating thing really well and honestly, he eats two helpings of stuff at school and they marvel at how well he eats.  It's the one thing we got...don't got sleep, don't got go with the flow kid, but we got eating lol for the most part.  Yes he still has his picky days and moments, but when he's hungry he eats pretty much what you give him.
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Re: Reconfiguring breakfast
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2012, 02:06:52 am »
great to hear it is going well wendy :-*