Author Topic: won't eat veggies  (Read 1014 times)

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won't eat veggies
« on: January 23, 2012, 23:56:10 pm »
My ds is 6.5 month old and won't eat vegetables.
He is FF and drinks 4 x 8 oz bottles a day and 3 meals.
He has no issues eating baby cereal, made with either water formula or chicken broth. Also has no issues eating fruit, had apples peaches prunes pear blueberries. He also loves yogurt but it makes his stool loose so we are holding off on that a bit longer

My issue is that we are running out of ideas to feed him because its all the same. He will eat about 5 or 6 tbsp for breakfast lunch and only about 3 for supper bc he won't eat the veggies. But if I give in and feed him fruit he will have 2-3 tbsp of it. So clearly has the appetite.

Tried most of these at least 10times and he won't eat them he either won't open or if we trick him and he does open he either spits it out or gags until he pukes his whole supper. Tried veggies at all times of the day

Tried sweet potatoe, carrot, peas, green beans, brocoli, zucchini, avacado, turnip, beets, and califlower

Please help!

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Re: won't eat veggies
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 03:35:04 am »
Maybe I'm not the best person to give advice (my DS still won't eat veggies at 2.5yo!), but since your DS is so little and pretty new to solids in the grand scheme of thngs, I wouldn't fret too much at this point.  His main source of nutrition is still the formula, and solids are about exploring and trying new things (some successful, some not) for a few more months.

Are you doing puréed food or are you going with a BLW (baby led weaning) approach?  The latter might help if you haven't tried it yet.  Also, maybe you could try mixing some of the sweeter veggies with some fruit, and slowly shift the proportion to where it's all veggie instead.  So, like a carrot/apple mix...and slowly shift it to carrot.
*formerly tersaseda*


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Re: won't eat veggies
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 09:38:59 am »
we do lots of fruit/veg mixes too so butternut squash and pear, sweet potato and apple. They seem to be a big hit.

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