My ds is 6.5 month old and won't eat vegetables.
He is FF and drinks 4 x 8 oz bottles a day and 3 meals.
He has no issues eating baby cereal, made with either water formula or chicken broth. Also has no issues eating fruit, had apples peaches prunes pear blueberries. He also loves yogurt but it makes his stool loose so we are holding off on that a bit longer
My issue is that we are running out of ideas to feed him because its all the same. He will eat about 5 or 6 tbsp for breakfast lunch and only about 3 for supper bc he won't eat the veggies. But if I give in and feed him fruit he will have 2-3 tbsp of it. So clearly has the appetite.
Tried most of these at least 10times and he won't eat them he either won't open or if we trick him and he does open he either spits it out or gags until he pukes his whole supper. Tried veggies at all times of the day
Tried sweet potatoe, carrot, peas, green beans, brocoli, zucchini, avacado, turnip, beets, and califlower
Please help!