Author Topic: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?  (Read 13099 times)

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This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:44:15 am »
So dd is almost 17 months old.
She naps at 11.30/12 every day for about 1.30/1.45.
Her day goes
Wake 5.30/6
Sleep 11.30/12
Wake 1.30/1.45
Sleep 7pm

Sme nights she sttn, others like last night she wakes at completely random times like last night she woke at 11pm we did wi/wo for three hours, then I took her into my bed and she was out in minutes, I then moved her back to her bed and she woke for the day at 5.30.
She often struggles to fall asleep at night, I have no idea if she is OT or UT........
She is generally quite miserable in the mornings.....until she has her lunch time nap.
I don't know what to do, longer a and shorter a times produce the same length of nap. I was aso annoyed with her last night as I know there isn't anytng wrong with her, it is just that she can't seem to fall back asleep once she wakes in the middle of the night! Help me please before I send her back to where babies come from!!

Offline *Becky*

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2012, 09:48:24 am »
she sounds OT to me hun. Is she teething at all?
How do you usually handle NWings? Have you always done WIWO?
Does she have a lovey?

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2012, 09:49:55 am »
hugs!!  i remember our horrid EW NW months!!  

on hind sight, it was OT for us.  I suspect it is fir her, too. One nap and short night.  does she always wake early or was it just this once?  i would put her down close to 12 h from her wake up time to try for three days and review. It spunds scary, doesnt it?  My DH never agreed to try because he was worried for even early EWs!  i dont know why i listened to him as i was doing all nights and EWs. HTH

posted same time as becky

Offline clazzat

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2012, 14:17:35 pm »
I agree with ot - her afternoon is too long which always caused problems for us. At 17 months both of mine were sleeping till well after 2 and in bed no later than 6.30. I found that a longer morning a time caused fewer problems.

Offline *Amy*

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 15:36:15 pm »
Has all of her teeth, did 12pm nap for 7 days regardless of wake up......never got longer than 2pm wake up.....she is a notorious ew'er!
Nw's are usually done with wi/wo and they last FOR HOURS!!!
She has a lovey and sucks her thumb.
Today went
Nw 11pm to 2am
Wake for day 5.30
Sleep 9.30
Wake 10
Sleep 1.15
Wake 2.30
In bed for night 7.30 I can hear her chatting now!
So I put her down for a cat nap this am as she was just so tired from last night! Took her a long time to fall asleep for her pm nap but she eventually did.
Will try for shorter a time in the afternoon tomorrow and see how it goes........

Offline *Becky*

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 16:02:46 pm »
what about if you get her in bed earlier for the night? Have you tried that?

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 16:43:29 pm »
Yes I have tried, yesterday she went
Wake 5.50am
Sleep 12pm
Wake 1.30
Bed for night 6.30 didn't fall asleep until 7.30pm!!!

Offline koe2moe

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2012, 17:00:49 pm »
it is likely that you just missed her window yesterday so it would take her a while to go to sleep.  So she ended up worse NW and EW.  You managed two naps, so perhaps she wont be too OT at bt.  If she has been waking so early and having short nights for so long, even if she can manage long A, she is bound to be Ot due to sleep deprivation. 

Vibes for tonight.  hugsss

Offline clazzat

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2012, 19:06:15 pm »
I'd say ot for a 5h a time after a 1h30 nap too. Given that she woke at 5.50, I would have aimed to have her in bed at 6.

Offline clairebear79

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2012, 20:57:56 pm »
Hiya Amy.  We were having exactly this issue with O only a week ago, after I pushed him to a set nap over Christmas.  Before Christmas, our routine looked a bit like the one in your original post except for a 6/6.30pm BT & I wanted to shift everything an hour later, which we did gradually, but he kept up with the EW, even though his BT was an hour later. 

I realised he was mega OT b/c I was keeping him up til midday for his nap, even if he EW.  Some days he had to do 7hrs A to nap.  So one day last week after another 10hr night & 5.30am WU I decided enough was enough.  That day I put him down for his nap early at 11am & let him sleep 2.5hrs & did a 7pm BT.  He still did a shortish night, but was a bit better rested the next morning.  From that day on I've stuck to 5.5hrs A like glue, & capped his nap at 2hrs & done 5hrs A time to BT.  And his WU got later & later & for the last 5 days we've had a 7am WU, a 2hr nap 12.30-2.30 & a 7.30pm BT.

So I would def agree with PP's that a 7pm BT is too late if C is starting her nap before midday for 1.5hrs.  Like koe2moe says its more the length of her day than anything else thats going to cause the OT - exactly what's just happened for us.

IIWM I'd probably try something similar to what we've just done.  Stick with 5.5hrs A time absolute max in the AM, and 5hrs in the PM if you get a 2hr nap.  5.5hrs if its 2.5hrs+.  Or if you prefer to keep the 12pm nap I'd def try an earlier BT, at least for a few days, to keep ontop of the OT that will arise from being pushed in the mornings.  I'd also def try to keep the day nearer to 12/12.5hrs long at most.


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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2012, 09:16:48 am »
Thanks Claire for your post.
So last night she did wake but she was able to self settle, I saw her (on video monitor) sit up in the cot and cry out for me a few times, but she lay back down and fell asleep. So she woke for the day at 7.15am!!!
Yesterday we had two naps cause of the ridiculous nw's but the a time to bed was 5 hours and although I said in last nights post that I could hear her after bt, she did fall asleep on her own without me having to go back in!
So today I had her in bed by 12 she took a while to fall asleep. I would say she eventually fell asleep at 12.15pm. Will see how long she sleeps for and then do 5 hours to bed. So do you all think I should do a 5.5 hour a in the am and 5hr in the pm?

Offline *Becky*

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2012, 09:28:34 am »
that is what I used to do with Henry as long as he did a 2 hour nap. If it was shorter I did shorten the second A a touch.

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Offline *Amy*

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2012, 10:26:16 am »
Well it is just over the 2 hour 15 min mark and she is still asleep!

Offline clairebear79

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2012, 11:25:12 am »
Wow that's great Amy!  Looks like the 2 naps yesterday helped her catch up on the OT.  WRT to the 5hr A to BT - for us that's ok after a 5.5hr AM A & 2hr nap, but if O naps for over 2hrs he'd need a bit longer A to BT - more like 5.5hrs.  This is why I choose to cap his nap at 2hrs or his day just ends up too long.  But if she's OT still then 5hrs A may be just fine.  You may have to play today by ear a bit.x

Offline koe2moe

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Re: This kid baffles me......why is she waking at night?
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2012, 13:29:13 pm »
wow good update!  the two, though, shorter naps ere able to break the OT cycle to enable her to go to bed without OT, so she slept well.  And with the appropriate nap time, again she wasnt OT.  So any time between 5-5.5h to bed would be good.  Yeah I agree with Claire to watch her cues.  EIther way she shouldnt get OT or overly UT.