Author Topic: 6.5m only taking 4oz@DF - best way to drop it?  (Read 915 times)

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6.5m only taking 4oz@DF - best way to drop it?
« on: January 28, 2012, 09:47:56 am »

My DD is 6.5m old. She is on a good 4hour EASY. We're working in dropping the CN (now down to 20m) and for the most part she goes through the night 7pm (if she makes it!) to 7am though she does wake sometimes anytime between 5.30am&6.15am, has a chat for 15m/half an hour and then back to sleep. She is also now on 3meals a day (about 3.5tsp each meal of pureed fruit or veg as per BW weening guidance).

Right, the DF. She has natuarally reduced her DF down to 4oz and it has been that way for a while now. There have been a few nights where she'll take only 3oz and will still go through. On the whole she drains the 4oz. I want to drop the DF when she gets to 7m in a couple of weeks. I also think that the DF may be disturbing her sleep - she wakes the minute I walk into her room to give it to her. I usually give her the DF at around 10.45pm.

My Question (i get there finally!) - given that she is only taking 4oz, can or should i cold turkey her with the DF or will that cause problems with NW?

If cold turkey is not the answer, then reducing the feed oz by oz and make it earlier will not get me to 7pm as the BW plan suggests as DD is only taking 4oz. The earliest time I would get to is 9.15pm - so what is the best way to reduce it without DD then waking at ealrier in the evening?

As you can probably tell, rather confussed here, so all and any advice, thoughts and suggestiopns are welcome!! Thanks  :P

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Re: 6.5m only taking 4oz@DF - best way to drop it?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 15:43:09 pm »
Hi there, I would still use the plan from the book but just adapt it to your situation a bit. When we weaned the DF I don't ever remember it being earlier than 9pm TBH as DD wouldn't take it any earlier. We dropped it fine with no NW issues at all.

So maybe you could start by offering the 4 oz half an hour earlier (10.15pm) for a couple of days and then reduce to 3oz half an hour earlier again (9.45pm). Then 2 oz half an hour earlier (9.15pm) and then you should be able to just drop it cold turkey once on 2oz or 1oz. You could try 1oz at 8.45 but you will probably find that your DD won't be interested. HTHs and good luck.

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Re: 6.5m only taking 4oz@DF - best way to drop it?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 12:27:58 pm »
Our experience- we dropped it cold turkey no problems. Basically it had become an habitual waking in the end- but one night he woke up, made a noise.. i couldn't be bothered getting up right away (lazy mummy) and he resettled! We waited till after the 6 month growth spurt (To be honest we did drop it about 2 days before tht started- everything went to the dogs for a while day and night- and then when i was sure tht was over we dropped it again same way no probs!). Just letting you know our experience!
Katy, Mummy to Hamish!