DS2 is 6 months old, we started with rice cereal and pears pureed, he acts so hungry about 1.5 hours after his bottle so I was giving him solids but when I go to give him his bottle 4 hours after the first one hes hungry but not hungry enough to eat all of it, so I tried giving it to him later instead and it just gets all messed up, he ends up hungry again after only 2 hours and it just keeps going like this till we are all messed up. I also tried giving him more solids later on to help him to the next bottle feed but its just all messy and I cant work this out. i dont think his gut is ready for solids but boy HE is, he just wants to eat it when i give it to him, in fact he cries if i stop early. he seems to also want more in the night now, picking up an extra half feed but im not sure if its because the solids are upsetting his tummy and hes feeding to ease the pain?
can someone please help me?
heres what weve been doing so far
bottle 6.30/7am
1Tbsp rice cereal 7.30/8am
attempt at a bottle at 10.30/11am where he only takes about 140mls, if hold out till about 11.30 then hes more eager to drink but still not as much as I would like him to eat
cries and wont be happy no matter what i do (i tried distraction etc but figured if hes hungry then hes hungry and I should feed him) at around 1.30/2pm ish so I either give him another bottle (where he still only does about 120mls) or yesterday i offered him some pears to tie him over.
It gets tricky here because of naps, I may have to feed him his bottle earlier or he will short nap and wake up hungry... I cant even begin to explain how messy it gets here because its just SO messy i cant type it out.
he usually naps at 9am for about 1.5 hours and so then is ready for antoehr nap at around 1.45-2pm but that nap doesnt work with solids or his erratic feeding