My DD2 is 8 months old. She sleeps independently, no props, just sucks her thumb. She is also a tummy sleeper and has been since quite young. Until about 4 months she had started to stretch out longer between feeds at night and was doing 5-6hrs regularly and even a few stretches of 8-9hrs. At around 4 months NWs got more frequent again and haven't improved since. She wakes every 3-4hrs at night and has a full feed (so I assume she is hungry). She is EBF but a few days ago I started giving her a bottle of HIPP night time milk at BT in the hope it would keep her for longer. It did keep her a bit longer once or twice but nothing concrete yet. She also sometimes wakes before 3hrs, in which case I assume it must be gas or teeth. I am so tired and fed up of waking up so much at night. I really want to try and sort this out. My DD1 also wakes me at night sometimes, which makes me even more frustrated!
During the day DD2 feeds every 4 hrs and has 3 solid meals. She is a really good calm baby but these NWs are getting too much! Here is my EASY in case anything seems relevant there.
7/7.30 - wake up
8 - BF
8.30 - solids
10/10.30 - nap (anything from 1-2hrs)
12 - BF
12.30 - solids
2.30/3 - nap (depending on length of 1st nap. Will nap for around 1hr usually)
3.30/4 - BF
6 - supper, bath
7/7.30 - bottle of night time milk and bedtime.
She will usually wake up at 10 or 11 for a feed, then 2 or 3, and on bad nights will have a 3rd one.
Sorry this is so long, would really appreciate some help though! Thanks