Author Topic: 6 months old wake up every half hour  (Read 1124 times)

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Offline trailqueen

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6 months old wake up every half hour
« on: January 30, 2012, 18:30:53 pm »
Hi Ladies,
I am very very tired mom.  My son almost 6 months old.  He has been breastfeed exclusively for 4 months.  We started him on solids at 3.5 months.  He was waking up 4-5 times per night and hungry every hour.  My main issues are as follows:
His day naps are anywhere between 30-45 mins the max only three naps.  He wakes up screaming 10-15 times per night.  He also gets constant colds.  Runny watery eyes.  He got the cold again starting yesterday it takes him 7-10 days  to get better, than he gets them again a week later.  He is  such a happy baby during the day.
When he wakes up screaming at night, as soon as he opens his eyes he is quiet, or when I start to BF him he is quiet.
He also arches his back before going to sleep, I always have to feed him before he goes to sleep, unless we are going to drive, than he can fall asleep in the car.
Our schedule has been as follows:
Day 1

E:BF:1:30-1:45AM S4:40-4:40AM, 6:30-6:45AM
S: 6:45-8AM
A: 8AM play mat
E: 8:30 Breakfast: oatmeal (1/4 cup + 2 TBSP pear)
A: Jumped in Jumper, Drove my daughter to day care
E: 9:50 BF for 10 Mins
S: 10 - 10:45AM
A: 11-12:15
E: 12:30 Lunch (1/4 oat with water and 1 TBSP apple sauce)
A: 12:30-1PM Jumper
E: BF (10 mins)
S: 1:20-2:10 I tried to extend his nap, but 0he just cried for 45 mins. 
A: 3-4:30
E: Formula (good start) 5 oz
S: 4:30-5PM after 15 mins of PU/PD he went back to sleep: 5:15-6:20
A: 6:30-7PMs
E: 7PM: dinner: (1/8 avacado + 2 TBSP barley with water)
A: 7:30 Massage, music and bath 7:30
E: BF 8PM (10mins)
S: 8:20-12:05 (he woke up twice in the  middle)
E: 12:30 (5 oz formula)
S: 12:30-5:30 (with 5 more wakes, loud cries but managed to get him back to sleep within few minutes)
E: 5:30 (BF 15 mins)
S: 5:45-7:45.

PLEASE PLEASE help me out.  Everyday and night his wake up varies in times.  Please help me out.  How much solid should I be feeding him.  I have also tried the dream feds but it doesn't make any difference.
Thank you.

Offline trailqueen

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2012, 14:47:03 pm »
Last night my son woke up 3 times, including the constant 5-6 times crying and going back to sleep.
He went to bed at 9PM.  Do I just need to move up his bedtime.

Offline Jiinx

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 02:12:18 am »
Hello! :)
Just a couple of questions..
We started him on solids at 3.5 months.
Just curious..why 3.5 months? Reflux? Not gaining enough weight?

e was waking up 4-5 times per night and hungry every hour.

What makes you think he's hungry, hun? Usually babies can go through a 4-5 hour stretch without feeding at night..
He wakes up screaming 10-15 times per night.  He also gets constant colds.  Runny watery eyes.  He got the cold again starting yesterday it takes him 7-10 days  to get better, than he gets them again a week later.  He is  such a happy baby during the day.
When he wakes up screaming at night, as soon as he opens his eyes he is quiet, or when I start to BF him he is quiet.

He sounds like he's in pain :(

A few things make me think he has reflux and the pain is waking him from his naps and definitely at night..

He was waking up 4-5 times per night and hungry every hour.

Babies use milk sometimes to soothe the burn in their throat, but it's a double edged sword bc once it stops soothing, the reflux will burn their throat.

He wakes up screaming 10-15 times per night.

and this..

He also arches his back before going to sleep, I always have to feed him before he goes to sleep, unless we are going to drive, than he can fall asleep in the car.

What do you think? *hugs* You sound you have any support so you can get some rest?

Offline trailqueen

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 17:51:27 pm »
Thank You So much for your reply Jiinx. 
I wasn't sure if my Bmilk was enough.  My mom said I should start the solids so I did.
He was drinking milk for 10-15 mins per each side and he has been a good latcher from day one.

I think you are RIGHT about reflux.  I am taking him to the different doctor to get him checked out tomorrow.  My current doctor has not been much help.
I try not to feed him before bed, or feed him very  less like 5 mins, just to get him drowsy before sleep.  I have managed to get him to sleep without milk few times and than he got the cold.  So have taken a step back than forward on our easy.  It was easier yesterday, I will post back.  I am going to feed his lunch than I will post his routine from yesterday, it was much better than other days.  I am trying to keep him on schedule today, but now I have to head out for grocery shopping and other errands. 
I don't have much help, my hubby helps when he can.  He is a truck driver, so we never know when he's home.  I also have a 3 yrs old toddler who sleeps in our room, which makes things even more hard.
Thanks again!

Offline RachelC

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 01:24:00 am »
{{{hugs}}}  Hope you get some answers from the doctor  :-*

I would also stay put where you are with solids and not increase at the moment.  At this age, they are still just for fun and the majority of his calories need to come from breast or bottle.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline Jiinx

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2012, 02:44:48 am »
Hugs Hun. Hope you had a better day.

Offline trailqueen

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 18:27:51 pm »
Thank you so much for the help ladies.  I had to turn cold turkey and stop the Breastfeeding.  Which I did.
It solved alot of the problems.  I started putting him in the crib drowsy but awake now he sleeps.  It has been 3 days now, that my son takes 1.5 hr morning nap, 1.5 afternoon and another 1 hour in the evening.  I have noticed that he is still tired if he only sleeps for 1.5 hrs in the afternoon.  I have changed the bedtime from 7:30 to 9PM.  He sleeps at 9 and awakes at sometimes 1 or 2:30 but he is definately up at 4:30 and wants a feed.
So I give him formula and he takes his full feed (4 oz) than sleeps for another 2-3 hrs.
I am so lucky to have such support.  Thank You so much!!

I think I got it under control now.  thanks alot again!!

Offline RachelC

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 19:19:19 pm »
Sorry you had to stop breastfeeding, but so happy you are back on track and have a good routine going.  Feel free to start another thread if things get out of whack again  :-*

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months

Offline Jiinx

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Re: 6 months old wake up every half hour
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 19:26:22 pm »
hugs hunny. I'm sorry, also, that you had to stop but I'm happy you found what's right for you and your son.

*hugs* You're being such a wonderful mother and tuning to his needs.